Update Dec 03 Causing Unwarranted Panic

I have seen way too many posts today attributing this mornings 1GB download to everything from changed cockpit views to frame rate loss and degraded visuals.
When checking my folders after the update, the ONLY thing I see is an AIRAC update.

I think we need some confirmation.

It looks to me like the community has become update phobic. The moment there is an update, users are immediately seeing disastrous effects whether there or not.

I know some of you have had issues whenever there is a change but I think this also proves that there are a lot of over sensitive imaginations being spooked every time they see something different.
There are plenty of seemingly random bugs, gremlins, if you will, roaming the code. There are errors that have happened that I didnā€™t notice until I happened to accidentally recreate the same situation. I have been flying since release day and never saw my avionics turn off until the day before the patch came out. Never had an autopilot glitch until last week. That does not mean the bug was introduced last week. It just means it happened to ME last week.

Every month we will see a small download to update the nav data. It is NOT going to suddenly make your throttle quadrant behave in reverse.


Confirmation has been given hours ago.
Check the ā€˜News and Announcementsā€™

Small update - Navdata - Community / News and Announcements - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums


Itā€™s supposed to be only 1GB of nav data. But thereā€™s something screwy for some people and itā€™s forcing them to re-download the entire last patch over again. And people who had no issues with the last patch are now having issues that others reported having with the last patch.

This is messed up.


This might be true, but the oposite is also true. It is not fair to say to others if what they are seeing is because of the update or not. it is just a bug, they are reporting bugs and that is good for all of us. It is even more important in this early stages of the game, so let them be mate, everything is going to be fine in like 1 or 2 years

Thank-you for posting the link. Sadly, you read it, I read it and maybe a handful of others. Then we started reading, ā€œthis morningā€™s update brokeā€¦ā€. Right?

@MortThe2nd, you and I both know that a large % of the users on this forum;

  • a) donā€™t read announcements
  • b) donā€™t search before posting
  • c) assume that every problem encountered trying to run MSFS is as result of Asobo code

The end result is we get swamped with angry, frustrated new members everyday.


Iā€™m updating now. I got my 1GB initial download, now Iā€™m forced to download23.95GB of addiotional dataā€¦

@MSFSCommunityTeam - You guys need to pass this info up if you havenā€™t already. This is messed up.

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would probably have helped if the update didnā€™t show the patch notes for the previous patch, but instead a single line stating ā€˜Navigatation data update (AIRAC cycle x)ā€™.

Would most likely have helped a lot, since yes, most people donā€™t read.


Thereā€™s so much wrong with this update system.

Oddly, last patch was supposed to be 10GB. I had to download that, plus thjis 23.95 GB on top of that. It seems like they recycled the script from last time, and itā€™s reinstalling the same thing again on top of the 1GB of nav data.

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Completely agree @MaxiARG4147.
Just want ā€˜themā€™ to know that there are lotā€™s of folks on this forum that are happy to help them find a way thru some of the frustrations that they are encountering. That not ALL bugs/errors are a direct result of the code or that updates will always break something.

The best point you make is that the bugs ALL need to be reported. As long as they are bugs and not just a user forgetting to calibrate their controller. Thatā€™s something we can help them with and would otherwise, needlessly create extra workload for Asobo to slog through.

Iā€™m still strongly suspecting some mod is making changes to core game files, and the sim detects this on a patch, and goes on to repair large files.

Could very well be that Iā€™m wrong, and something else is causing this, but I think this issue only arises for a few people (compared to the full playerbase).
Sure, those people will be vocal about it, but if it was really wide spread there would be a lot more people reporting it.


Yeah, that is true. There are a lot of good guys here willing to help others.

It concerns me how many new guys are comming here asking for well known problems. I mean, there should be a way to communicate better the problems and the solutions. I donā€™t know


No mods here. Like wiht any other update (just in case), I dumped my mod folder. I donā€™t use any mods that donā€™t live in the Community folder.

And there have been several threads about this today so far.

Was about to say what @MortThe2nd said.
You are running the FBW and G1000 mods arenā€™t you?

What Iā€™m thinking is that a mod you previously had in your community folder could (somehow) have had an effect on core files. Clearing out the mod folder would not have reverted changes on core files.

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Thatā€™s one that has me scratching my head. My preview window changes to a list of similar posts if I type something previously discussed. Not sure if everyoneā€™s browser does that but it is pretty hard to miss if it does.

Mods in the community folder donā€™t touch or affect core game resources.

I know there are mods that do overwrite or modify game files. I think the FBW A320 is one if Iā€™m not mistaken (I donā€™t use it, do donā€™t know for sure). Same with the Longitude mod, which I donā€™t use either, but I know for a fact overwrites something in the ā€œOfficialā€ folder.

Iā€™m stumpedā€¦

And as we discuss this, there goes @MortThe2nd trying to help another ā€œvictimā€ of todays nav update.

I was one of the lucky ones that had a 1GB AIRAC data update only. The only mods I had installed at the time were for the GNS530, and the faulty Navigraph data that was recalled.

I was at work when the Navigraph data was rolled out then recalled, so I didnā€™t update. So that canā€™t be it either.

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I do not believe you are ā€œone of the lucky onesā€.
I believe you are in the majority.
I believe @Crunchmeister71 just happens to be one of the ā€œunlucky onesā€.
Sorry Crunch.

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