Hey, flightsim.to! Come on and approve already! We’re waiting!
Haha yeah! Wake up!
Last time it was done in minutes…but I guess we’re facing some time zone issue. Somebody…anybody…please push that button over there!
Go get her
Yeah! 4th download
Let’s see, what this MONSTER does!
Thx Gravel!
OMG, Scrappy is back !!!
50+ Downloads already, you guys are rockets.
Remember to give her a like and all that, helps the ranking in the charts
What a GREAT Christmas Present- ta mate!
Scrappy’s suspension. Put some of this stuff in Grravel…watch her closely when those mains do their work! Even the tailwheel was tweaked in Grravel as well.
Ready for some snow Grravel? Here we go! Nice job Asobo…you nailed it.
Mmm…forgot my defrost spray
Punch it! Breached the clouds in no time with that 4000fpm, let the sun do the rest.
Just installed this beast and it’s great fun!
Though the performance is not like Scrappy ( in terms of engine and HP) but it’s still an excellent plane.
For now I’m strugging with brake pressure after landing because the plane slows down as if you’re throwing out an anker
The trick is to keep slowing down while still flaring until you hear the stall buzzer and force the tailwheel on the ground while gently step on the brakes.
Otherwise the bird will flip over .
Have to say that I was testing on tarmac, I will later on also test it on gravel.
I tested it… awesome!!!
Fantastic plane, handling and performance. Try it out briefly near Innsbruck. That plane can climb upon a mountain-top faster than our cat on a nearby pole, if you try to put a harness on her. We tried that out a few years ago.
I sailed down on idle to a high
plateau roomy enough for a Bush-landing. All in snow. A really fun experience. Thanks a lot for your work Gravel!
Love your work guys. Tiny thing for your next update
On the panel you just have ‘Gravel’ instead of ‘Grravel’.
I’ve fixed mine already but it won’t let me share here.
As this aircraft is a new and different aircraft, are you still going to work on the Carbon Cub series too?
Ah that was intentional. The “Gravel” is my signature. Grravel is the name of the beast. Been thinking about it though, perhaps it should indeed just say Grravel instead.
And yes I’m actively working on both the Savage Carbon as well as the Savage Grravel. As a matter of fact, lessons learned from one plane can make it into the other where it makes sense.
Already planned my next update for the Savage Carbon next week to do exactly that…put some Grravel goodies into the Carbon. Small things…not the engine aye?
Gosh guys…200+ downloads for Grravel in no time. Better tell the factory guys to produce a few more.
I still need my 16
Glad you like her @GONEFLYING1234, and welcome to the taildragger experience. There is an event in the works where - besides an awesome flight - I’ll be providing some live STOL and water ski training as you watch or fly / try along.
For now land slow…30kts (or less!) will do it at flap 2 or 3…touch down with stall horn…flaps 0…tail down…brake. You won’t flip a single time.
Will be adding some curated training vids to the 1st post of this topic shortly as well (same vids as in the Savage Carbon 1st post).
Thought you cancelled your preorders @NaiveTurtle57?
What an incredible machine!!
Fantastic job!!
I have no shame to admit that this is the first time I have donated to a freeware provider…
I have been flying the savage carbon for weeks now which I instantly fell madly in love with.
Then you guys came out with this beast!!!
Keep the support going for @GotGravel guys, so that they can keep pumping out the freeware.
I can’t wait to see what their future holds for us and this epic Sim.