Update stops many times needing a new run to update

I purchased the standard, install it and when think I could play, need update than is endless. It stops and I have to begin again and again. Any solution?

Yes. Mine is hung up with 3.68 GIB to go. Appears to be connected and active, but please wait has been on for hours. Also when game is activated and press any key comes up, no response.

I know this is not an elegant solution but i just did a complete reinstall of Windows 10 and formatted al the drives. After that the sim installed ok. Only had one crash during installation, but it worked out ok.

I’m having the same problem. Could you solve it?

I think no one understood that as the files were downloaded they also need to be extracted. During that time the download stops .

Thank you guys, I think you both may have valid handles on the problem, but whats the solution??? If you have a clue or if Ms has a solution, it would be helpful. to know. I’m 85 years old, and I depend on Windows to have these things resolved, Thanks again…

Delete manually one or two already downloaded files then start again.

Thanks. That looks like it’ doable in the area of my expertise. I was thinking of deleting the whole thing. That’s still an option if this doesn’t work…Thanks again, I appreciate it…

Well I’ve blown it. FS no longer exists on my PC. Thanks again to all. I’ll try again when the Xbox version is released…Y’all take care…

So sorry… Watch for official updates and maybe try again then.

tried that now it says no operating system

Does the simulator say that or where is that message popping up?

When the download stops, the screen returns to windows. In that moment, is it being installed? The solution is let the computer perform the installation?
thanks in advance answering these questions.

Well, I paid attention to that it stops when lasting just 3 and little GB to finish the 91GB. Thanks

When the simulator returns to Windows during the installation process, then from my understanding it means, that it crashed. I would try to reinstall again, because the files may be corrupted. But I am not really sure.

The first time I tried to install the sim, the download wouldn’t continue at around 60GB left. After deinstalling the sim and deleting the files, I startet the second attempt. This time, the installation went through, but it crashed (closed itself and I needed to start the sim manually again) several times during the installation process and loading in a flight at any airport would result in an CTD. After that, I decided to format my drives and reinstall Windows. The third attempt went well, the simulator only crashed once during the installation process, but then downloaded all the 90gb without returning or crashing to desktop.