okay thats not cool. i just did the update and all of the mega livery pack planes are gone… NOT COOL
That’s why I moved all my community files to the recycle bin before updating just in case anything
well at least my downloads folder and the sim are both SSD’s MUAHAHHA, 20 seconds and they are back in
and the a320nx mod, but here is the funny thing? all the other mod aircraft were untouched, my virtavia B1, A6, EA-6B, XB-70, F/A-18, KC-46, B747-123SC, and AN-225.
Looks like we found out together, sorry that happened! In the future we will just make a note here to move the content from your community folder to a temporary location on your hard drive before applying the patch, just in case that happens again.
any particular reason it only messed with the Megapack liveries and nothing else?
That strikes me as rather odd, it should have wiped out everything, not selectively dumped a bunch of liveries
It also puts any modified aircraft config files back to their original state. I added my callsign to the Robin DR400 and the C152 - they are back to displaying the Asobo callsign.
I guess I’ll have to edit it again
When the patch was installed the aircraft.cfg file was replaced on the A320 as the Livery files added addendums for each livery to the official aircraft.cfg file. So, with the installer seeing a modified file, it replaced it. No big deal. Just copy those additions back onto the official aircraft.cfg files. None of your files in the community folder were touched.
So backup community folder… check. They need to sort that out though.
@FutureFlyer828, Nothing happened to your Community Folder. Only the modified official files were replaced - i.e. the aircraft.cfg that gets modified by every Livery you install.
Ah I see… so how does one fix that. To install liveries I have simply dropped into the community folder…
i just re-extracted them right back into the folder, 15-20 seconds total time, but, my curiosity sits with, why only those liveries were affected and none of the other mod aircraft with their own liveries.
It saved one for me the British airways. But on the 787 all were saved, good think it backed up my community folder
Ok. I hear there are other issues with the update… it is downloading, we will see.
the weather works! YAY!!! Hurricane Sandy is just starting to get into the Atlanta Area, its already pretty nasty in the southwestern half of GA.
winds are pretty chaotic if you takeoff to the West
That is great news… although my approaches and landings will not look as good as 3 knots! LOL
all my liveries are still there.
yea,all of livery pack still alive but sensitivity joystick is gone!!!
anyone same with me? let’s check!!!
All working fine livery still in.
hmmm weird, mine were gone
Yep, mine went also same with the A320 Neo Mod- had to recopy them into the community folder.