[Updated] Arrows Across America: fly the US Air Mail routes 1926 - 1934

Sadly spent the last few days trying to track down the property owner. Its a lumber LLC that is a sub LLC of another corporation. Has not been easy at all to find any kind of info to get permission to go on the land. Its only about an hour away. Pretty good climb up by the looks of it.

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Still, would be very cool if you could visit.
Would you really need permission to go up there?
I mean, it’s a wood, you’re going for a walk, not to camp or make a fire or something.
But, I’m really looking forward to the pictures😉

I think I did. I started from Newark,NJ(EWR). Followed route on LNM. Saw beacons. I didn’t notice anything other additions to scenery. I’ll try that Blanch Field tonight. This was my hover at NY52A.

Edit- That loop I believe was when I took the Helo off Auto and hand flew around a wind farm.


Ah, brilliant.
We added a number of Intermediate Landing Fields on the routes. You can see them in LNM.
But only those which don’t exist anymore, and where we could find info on. Some evolved into regional fields that still exist.
Sometimes we added a historical hangar there.
There is documentation in the zip file.
Also available on our Discord.

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Outstanding. I’m in. Was wondering how I would get the IDs for the old fields. Located the list of ICAO in the documentation. RTFM.
Amazing you were able to locate all that documentation with the old building plans and landing field layouts. You would think most of that would have disappeared over the last hundred years.

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Yes, RTFM :innocent: haha :wink:
A lot of info was collected by enthousiasts, and put on line.
But also the Library of Congress makes a lot of info available on line, like strip maps.
Btw, go have a look inside that hanger in Reno, the interior was recreated based on construction drawings.
Also the historical Ford hangar in Lansing IL. is recreated based on construction drawings. We received a copy from the local council. The hangar still exists.
As you can see in the manual, we recreated a number of historical hangars, based on historical photos.
A few still exist, like Lincoln and Pueblo, although the field is no longer in existance. The building is preserved.

Cheers, Rob

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I would be a bit of a hypocrite trespassing on private property when I have issues all the time with trespassers on my property. Most people who own land like they do or I do dont mind letting people on the land if the just ASK. Forested land is also a business so its a bit more than walking in a forest.

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Ah, right you are. I understand. Here in Europe some parts in forests are private land as well.
Good luck. How cool would it be when you could stand below that tower on the arrow.

And in other news, tickets for FSWeekend at the Aviodrome in Lelystad, Holland are now on sale.



Experience FSWeekend at the Aviodrome Aviation Museum in the Netherlands!
FlightSimWeekend 2025 brings together the best in flight simulation hardware, software, and global exhibitors. March 15-16, 2025!

All this in a brilliant aviation museum, situated between historical planes an buildings.

If you are thinking of going, @PipsPriller and I will be there again this year with demos of Arrows Across America, our (and ofcourse Milton Shupe’s) deHavilland Puss Moth

Hadrian’s Wall 180

and the next TMD scenery project and we would love to say hello.


I visited that museum 3 or 4 times. Really very cool. The last time during this Flightsim weekend. Really recommended!

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Any news for us ‘24 folk so far?
I am soooo missing this experience!

We are looking at the improvements from the current and coming sim updates. Also the Blender exporters are improving.
The native airport effect we use is still not improved.
Invisible during the day, not bright enough and too blurry at night.

Cheers, Rob

Just another shot for a new thumbnail.


Don’t see much (any?) activity here Re: Arrows. Do you have a Discord site? I’ve been running East to West. Started at EWR. My HPG 160 is ready to go at KAIO while I take a break. The beacons flash’s are generally visible up to about 5 miles. I fly about 500’ AGL.

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Well, we do have a Discord Discord
But most activity is here.
Glad you are enjoying yourself with our thing.
Looking forward to some of your reports.
If you could show off some of our fields and hangars, of which we are proud, and some scenic views of the beacons, that might stirr the interest of others. :wink: