Updater downloading 1 GB patch to.... again?

I’ve got a prompt to update to, which I thought was the version I was already running from the World Update II. I’m very confused. It’s downloading about 1.020 gigabytes.

Same here as well

Note the release notes are identical, listing the same things that were done previously!

Same, no idea what is the changelog.

Please search before creating a duplicate post:
Strange. update - Self-Service / Bugs & Issues - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

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some sneaky changes in the background? :sweat_smile:

I didn’t look in self-service, I looked here because this is where announcements of releases are made. Thanks, though.

Next AIRAC cycle, for example.

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This is discussed in another thread.


Thanks, I’ll report to Zendesk the broken release notes.

Yeah, I got the quick 1GB…then it started over and I’m halfway through another 23GB for some reason! So irritating. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I have the same 23gb update, Dont understand why it has Upated twice…Annoying

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I am closing this as solved

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