Updating AIRAC for Pilot2ATC Question?

Hi, My P2ATC has the 2105 AIRAC… How do I update it to 2106? I no longer have Navigraph. Any help is greatly appreciated. TIA

I have moved your post into Third Party Addon Discussion. Questions about third-party utilities don’t go in General Discussion.

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You can only update the Pilot2ATC via a 3rd party subscription - there is no other way - or you stay at your current cycle.


Good Morning,
@NAVData I have Pilot2ATC and a Navigraph Subscription.

But in my NAVDATA Center the Pilot2ATC won’t appear to update the AIRAC Cycle for this tool.
What am i doing wrong? Read that it’s possible to add some packages to NAVDATA Center, but i have no buttons there to add it.

Can you help me?

Best Regards

Currently you need to use the FMS Data Manager, it is another desktop app which is used to update most other addons except MSFS itself. Eventually FMS Data Manager will be replaced completely by Navdata Center.

Understood! Thanks for fast response, give it a try.

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