Upgraded to RTX 4090 And Still Have Bad FPS

Hi All,

So here’s the spec of my computer that I built about a year ago.
AMD Ryzen 9 5950x
RTX 3070 Ti
32 GB Ram

Before, I was running MSFS with about 15-25FPS on the ground when I play online. Today, I upgrade my GPU to the RTX 4090 and still got around the same 20FPS on the ground online.

I’ve updated my drivers and tried multiple different settings but I can’t seem to get much better performance on the ground with multiplayer. Screenshot of FPS Report below. This the RPS I get with graphics on Ultra. If I drop down to high, I get about 20-25FPS.

My goal is about 60 FPS.


So my questions to you is:

  • Why am I getting “Limited By MainThread” even though my CPU is not any where maxxed out in the task manager? I even checked the cores specifically in the AMD System Monitor and they don’t look too bad.

  • Does this mean that I need to upgrade my CPU? Is that truly the bottleneck?

There is a lot of information on how to acheive better FPS in these forums and on YouTube.

Not trying to be rude but did you even do a search?

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Sadly it does! I have a 4090 and latest intel cpu, both barely tick over at 40 to 50% use. In a busy very detailed airport at 4K I get 35fps.
Task manager does reveal the problem - one core will be maxxed out! Until msfs improves multithreading there is nothing you can do other than lower display quality. Or wait for 2024!


you have HUGE frametimes… what’s the speed of your RAM? The 5950 should be good for 30-40 FPS easily, slightly higher depending on settings but Ryzen requires fast RAM. And the correct speed has to be selected in BIOS.

something wrong with youre render settings.
check the info on youre photo.
You forced it to round 3840x2160 on an 1080 screen.
you need to study a bit…

Indeed. This suggests render resolution is set to 200. @doctorgoat7532 should try setting it back to 100.

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