Useless Features (pushback tugs)

Push back tugs are useful under certain scenarios, most commonly commercial airliners when parked at gates, but MSFS 2020’s light single engine general aviation aircraft, like the Cessna 172, we cannot disable push back tugs after starting the engine… At least I don’t know of a way to disable it so I have to deal with it and wait for the guy to push me back, even when the aircraft is parked in an area on the tarmac that never requires push back, and I’ve never seen it used in real life, we just started the engine and taxied away from the parking spot.


Make sure “AI controls radios” is off, otherwise they start pushback automatically. And you can always stop/start pushback with “Shift+P” key combo.

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Hmmm… I’m fairly new to this simulator, I went to the Options screen and I couldn’t find such a setting anywhere. Where exactly is that? :thinking:

Top menu in the sim itself - the little picture with the captain’s hat - 3 options are there, one of which is to let the copilot handle the ATC


Ingame, hover over the top of the screen. A bar of icons will pop up, click the captain’s hat and toggle the “AI controls radios” to off.

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Ah, thanks GordonGreig and Nerbulus, in a way it worked but it still displayed the guy with push back tug infront of the aircraft, at least it didn’t force me to wait for it to push me back, I was able to just taxi away from there.

Yeah, that guy will always shadow your aircraft lol. I think you may be able to turn them off by setting “ground worker density” to 0 in the traffic tab in general settings, but I haven’t tested. Also by your screenshot, you can turn off checklist assist too so you can do a manual startup on your own.

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I simply taxi through him unless of course there is not enough room between me and a building.


Yes they are very annoying, and you can’t get rid of them by setting “ground worker density” to 0 either, I’m hoping for a mod that take care of them for good, like it is now I run over them consciously.


I run over them too. I was hoping that one day I might leave a stain on the tarmac but he is always there, just as before, standing upright.


Find this section in the aircraft.cfg and change the highlighted line. Just make sure to save the original file before editing somewhere :slight_smile:

SMALL_PUSHBACK = 1 <===== change this to 0 and the push back is gone.


This method will overwrite itself after every update but yeah it should work.

I tried that but it didn’t work, they’re a little stubborn… :smile:

I just run over ‘em! Same with forklifts and fire trucks that stop in the middle of the taxiway. With the buses? I aim right for the driver.


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C:\Users\Michael S\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore\asobo-aircraft-c172sp-as1000\SimObjects\Airplanes\Asobo_C172sp_AS1000

Interesting, I’ll give it a try. I’m not sure if changing that parameter to 0 [False] will be permanent since the aircraft.cfg files reside in a “Cache” type parent folder. If I change the parameter it might get overwritten whenever Asobo provides updates, or if the cache folders get deleted for any reason.

LOL… Stubborn son of a gun isn’t he… :laughing:

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LOL… Yeah I get those airport vehicles in the middle of taxiways all the time also and I end up steering around them often going outside of the taxiway boundaries. I did reduce the Airport Vehicle Density setting to a low number but I haven’t had a chance to see if that get rid of them.

It helped, but not much. The density of ground traffic and airport personnel is way over the top.


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Wow, yeah Asobo botched up a lot of little details didn’t they, like the example below… Taxiway edge lights in the middle of a taxiway… Is that a new feature for flight simulators? :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Yes, that is a new feature. :joy:

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