Utah beautiful but

I think it needs better elevation data. Right now the sim does not do it justice.

New elevation data for US is coming in the next world update according to the latest Q&A session with Asobo. Likely before the end of the year.
Also there is a fantastic free add-on for the monument valley


That monument valley add on is great. It’s what I wish all scenery looked like!


Hopefully it will in the US after the USA update

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Higher resolution elevation model will never look as good as photogrammetry because of the stretched textures. Photogrammetry is based on low attitude photographs takes from different angles. That is why you get mountain details even on steep slopes. Good DEM will make mountains look better, but the satellite imagery is taken directly from above and it will be projected over, so the textures usually will appear stretched and blurry.

As @GAParadise said, the USA update will likely fix a lot of data with the US with the higher resolution elevation maps. But there’s only so much that can be done about textures for the reasons @Severeeno stated. I tend to agree with him on that. For more hand-crafted areas, you can get some pretty stunning scenery, but you can’t expect to hand-craft a whole country, especially one the size of the US.

Still though, what we have is pretty amazing. While there’s always room for improvement, we already have the most detailed simulation of the entire planet in this game. No other simulator even comes close to matching these graphics. Not even actual real training sims airline pilots train on. I don’t think some people really realize the magnitude of what’s being built here. This sim certainly has its faults, and some worse than others, but there’s nothing else that even comes close to doing what MSFS is currently doing.

While I hope some of the real glaring errors (elevated lakes and rivers, roads running on the side of mountains, bad water masks) get corrected, I also look forward to what it will bring in coming years.


I agree - Utah is one of the most stunning places I’ve had the pleasure of working in - St George to be exact (absolutely stunning). It’s beautiful in-sim but the mountainous portions, the ups and downs of the formations all make a difference.

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