Van Nuys, CA (KVNY) - Orbx

Yeah, I am reviving this topic again. I’ve had both KBUR since release and now KVNY since release from ORBX. The surrounding area is already taxing even with default but with these addons its worse. I have read through ORBX and their support forums but its the same answer. “Turn it down” “clear out your folders” etc
No. That doesn’t work. Its the addons. I turned it down to LOW and I still get a huge FPS hit.

They haven’t fix the performance issue with that airport? Glad I got back a refund months ago! Burbank was my last ORBX purchase and that airport still lags a bit and top of that the textures are still not great. Makes me wonder if these were P3D ports.

I initially had horrible lag with KBUR and KVNY active, but have not noticed much lately. My complaint about ORBX in general is they make scenery, including any real helipads, but they do not make them active so I can start a flight on one. I remember helisimmer saying ORBX was going to be better with helipads, but not so.

Well, I messed around with settings and somehow KVNY and KBUR have gotten better. I have most of the ORBX N.America Scenery and don’t have this issue with other areas of their scenery.
The issue with KBUR/KVNY is that it is very…very heavy on the frames. Its the Photogrammetry. (spelling?)
I did manual cache of the entire KLAX and KBUR/KVNY area and then removed the PuffinFlight VFR objects. I had these installed/updated since their release and now the FPS is better after removing this

Absolutely terrible in fact. Way too many static models and not optimized. Only runs good from 2000 feet or so flying over but on the ground it’s a slide show here. Detail levels aren’t that good either. No tower or anything. Some nice custom trees and assets but yeah the perf hit is too much. Granted this area/mesh has been damaged by Asobo in recent updates and performance is at an all time low so it’s moot in general here BUT this airport still performs poorly compared to others in the area.

With this being an OrbX airport I recommend the developer add a no static aircraft script to give an option to the OrbX launcher to remove them and give a boost to FPS on the low to mid end machines that dip below 30 here.

Its not just running poorly on low-end machines. The gentleman on this thread is running a 3090 [noted] KVNY panning very laggy - Microsoft Flight Simulator Support Forum - Orbx Community and Support Forums

I hope Asobo does USA2 to fix all the FPS issues they have introduced. As much as I want to put all the blame on this scenery it would just be unfair because there are massive FPS issues in places in the USA and you can see all the terrain issues and flickering. In some cases it looks like several instances of the mesh are sitting on top of each other.

Was the airport performance ever fixed.

For me the FPS is still sticky, but much better than before. I have a good system, so it usually settles while I do some setting up for the aircraft. It was terrible in the beginning. I just got the update for neighbor KBUR. No real performance improvement and the airport seems darker. I can’t say it’s fixed and probably worse for folks with lesser systems.

Recently picked it up from the ORBX Store. Slightly stuttering on initial load but still playable on a 4080 super.

Think I’ll plan a flight from KTEB>>KVNY when I get the time!

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VNY has always been tough on performance and has very annoying stutters when panning around, I spoke to the dev and he has no plans at the moment to re visit VNY which is very unfortunate. A lot has changed IRL since this scenery has been released.


Yeah I noticed I notice those stutters panning around but only happens when I do it too quickly. ORBX definitely needs to update it.

Night lighting on the aprons aren’t good either. It’s pitch black! Looks like I’ll have to stick to flying here during the day!