Description of the issue: When coming back from the pause screen or settings, the vario tone stops beeping even with positive. It’s a continuous tone instead. If you then switch off the Avionics and turn them back on, the beeping will resume.
If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue: LS8-18, perhaps other gliders too, not sure.
Every time.
- Get in some lift and hear the vario beeping
- Press ESC to go into the Pause menu, settings, and then back.
- Listen to the vario tone now. It will be continuous instead of beeping.
- Toggle the avionics Off and back On.
- The vario should beep again.
If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.
What peripherals are you using, if relevant: Irrelevant
[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it? No
[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use? RTX 4090
[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share? Irrelevant