Various WASM aircraft not working with 1.37.15

Personal Comments and Observations

From a systemic view, that depends on whether SU15 Build .15 is working for you right now or not. If it’s not, well, there’s no forecasts for when the next fix arrives.

Just remember there’s always risks with backing out of the Beta, especially if you’re not on a custom install path as stated in the pre-participation guidance.

A few weeks behind schedule with some newly discovered bugs to fix, I’m sure they are under pressure and working as hard as they can to get SU15 to the finish line. I for one care more about the quality than the time, so I hope management gives them the time they need.


Sometimes being a lab rat goes wrong, Im ok with that, it is good to have some brake from gaming, so Im staying with broken build anyway

For me I am not on the Xbox, I tried the Comanche without issue. I tried the Just Flight Tomahawk and the whole sim is crashing everytime (CDT) after 30 - 60 seconds. Memory issue error. Dunno if the problem is the aircraft of SU15.