Vehicles in River

Taking the U.S. East Coast tour, the trip from New York to Washington, where there’s a bridge that crosses the river before the city of New York, cars travel in the river instead of the bridge.
Then before you get to New York Bay the game goes out completely.
Thank you in advance for the answer you will give me.
Have a nice evening. Vito

Hi @CheeryTech26330,

According to the Code of Conduct English is the official language of the MSFS forums, must be used in all categories except for #multiplayer.

** TRANSLATION ** the East Coast tour of the United States, the journey from New York to Washington, where there is a bridge that crosses the river before New York City, cars travel in the river instead of on the bridge.
Then before arriving in New York Bay the game shuts down completely.
Thanks in advance for the answer you want to give me.
Good evening . Vito

.1 Cars on water, it’s a bug. It is really complex to explain, it is not really a bug… but this is the easiest explanation for you.

.2 PC:

  • Faulty Power Unit
  • You asking too much from it, i.e. i9 10900k and 1080ti with a 500w

Vehicles are kind of a mess.
I have seen the same.
This morning during a flight following a state highway I noticed the road was rendered as grass.
It was kind of comical.

My personal favorite is the roads along parts of the ohio river that run perpendicular to the hill/mountain their running along the side of, and then watching the cars do the most ridiculous things on them.

The problem I encountered in the game, and that the cars at one point in the video, before new York are all in the river rather than on the road that passes on the bridge. Then after about 10 minutes the game goes out.
Here’s a list of your computer’s personal equipment:
GeForce RTX 2080 driver version 460.89
Intel® Core ™ i9-10900F CPU @ 2.80 GHz
GB RAM 31.9
ASUS 2560 X 1440 screen, 144 Hz
these are the requirements that among the three that listed as responsible by microsoft simulator are the best

I am thinking you are passing over the Mario Cuomo Bridge which replaced the Tappan Zee Bridge.

What you see is the current road data (87/New York State Through Way) crossing the new bridge, but the Bing photogrammetry shows the new bridge under construction with the old bridge below.

That would maybe explain your cars in the river.

Thank you for your kind and quick reply. Thank you also for your explanation. Let’s hope it resolves later. I wish you a good evening. Hello

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Second reminder that this forum is in English only.

According to the Code of Conduct English is the official language of the MSFS forums, must be used in all categories except for #multiplayer.

I’m sorry I wrote in Italian, but I can’t write in English. Anyway thank you for your explanation and kindness that you have shown towards me. I wish you a good day hello Vito

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