VelocityOne Yoke and VelocityOne Quad missing as controls MSFS 2024

VelocityOne Yoke and VelocityOne Quad were working, now they are missing as controls MSFS 2024. Software is up to date.

So this is in addition to the double rudder controls showing and the inop trim wheel,

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Weird. I flew several flights today with my V1F and rudder pedals.

Velocity One is working as expected. Only one issue:

Indeed the trim wheel is not recognized.
When setting up the inputs, the Elevator Trim Axis (-100 to 100%) does not pickup while moving the trimwheel up and down. In msfs 2020 this worked as expected.
Tried it on the Quadrant, not the Yoke part…

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I concur. The trim wheel is not recognized by MSFS2024 for the VelocityOne Flight Universal Control System.

Encountering issues as well. MSFS 2020 was pretty much plug and play…I’m so confused by what they changed for 2024.

I’m having the same problem with the trim setting, but also some of the other mappings don’t work as they do in 2020. For example, I use the X box button to turn on APPROACH, but it does not work on any aircraft…in fact, I’m finding it difficult to manually turn on APPROACH…any ideas?

Bind the button to the control yourself?

The selling point of the velocity one yoke is that it was ready to go and already bound. Its ridiculous its not for 2024.

Obviously could not be bound for each and every aircraft. Why would you even buy such peripherals but then only limit yourself to the few pre-allocated binds/aircraft it’s set for and never change anything yourself?

For all of them. It has two prebound profiles…one for jets and one for props. You could apply them to any aircraft and all controls were bound…no manual binding required. Then you could adjust if you wanted…or just fly if not.

But not all binds were used/were suitable since two definitions across all fixed wing aircraft would have left some binds inappropriate for many aircraft so you had to change/allocate them yourself anyway so what’s the difference now? Just bind them fresh as you want/most appropriate since you effectively had to do that anyway.

Not sure what your deal is. I never had to bind anything for any aircraft. It was plug and play for bindings. It’s literally why many people purchased it as Microsoft worked with Turtle Beach to make it plug and play.

The case isn’t the same for 2024 which is why this thread was started. If you’re going to just tell people to bind the controls…you’re missing the point of the thread. Clearly you never had the VONE Yoke.

So all the aircraft you flew used all the controls available exactly as you wanted to use them, from single engine to quads, mix, props exactly as you wanted with no changes? Amazing.

Yea…thats why it was so dang easy. I never had to bind anything. Throttle, flaps, brakes, single engines and quads, mixture knob, landing gear etc all ready to go.

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