Very abrupt weather (wind) transition. Erratic wind behavior (Still present after AAU 1)

Was having this both in US and EU on big (B-787) and small (Cessna CJ-4) aircraft. Sudden changes of speed, altitude resulted in overstressing the aircraft and crash. This issue is more serious than just a wind change, it really spoils the experience in any cruise flight.


Iā€™m also encountering this problem. Additionally, my plane (FBW320) refuses to climb during some of these sudden changes at higher altitudes.

One moment, everything appears to be fine. Then suddenly the winds will change and the plane refuses to climb at anything higher than around FL210. Call me crazy, but itā€™s almost as if the atmosphere thins-out suddenly and the plane loses lift. Itā€™s very hard to explain.

I use the East US servers, if that matters.

Same here, noticing shifting winds and temp. Over Southern USA, at FL320, temp was at -18Ā°C, then then it suddenly was up at 55Ā°C, when a change of 20kt tailwind to near 30kt head wind. Lost quite the amount of speed.

I also noticed a issue as low as 10000ft during the climb out, as suddenly I was 50kt slower on the climb out, but I didnā€™t think anything of it until it kept happening every 5-10 minutes.

Live Weather: Server East USA.


Same here in A320 yesterday and CRJ700 today. Both in Europe. Sudden drop of speed and altitude. After recovering another change happend and all of a sudden Iā€™m in overspeed.

Live Weather on.

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Just tried landing at KHYA with live weather and time, the metar shows zero wind, but on approach the wind spiked to 190+ knots. It literally moved the aircraft backwards. Not to mention the water off the coast looked like tidal waves. This was the craziest thing that Iā€™ve experienced in the sim to date. Iā€™m hoping they donā€™t completely break it on Tuesday. Here are a few screenshotsā€¦

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And yes, I eventually got the overstressed crash screen.

Same here. CYOW to CYYC w/v 292/85, then snap change to 270/05. Overspeed warnings when it changes one way and AFLOOR (flying the FBW A320) when the wind disappears. Iā€™m up at FL370

happend again today with live weather between barcalona and sardinia. wind jumped from 80/7 to 221/48 on FL370.

I had to descent to FL320 to gain speed again as I was almost stalling and couldnā€™t manage to speed up again.

I really didnā€™t have this problem before SU 5 but now itā€™s happened on a bunch of flights in the continental US ā€“ live weather enabled, seems to be working ok then wind drops to 0 for a minute or two, then goes back to the correct weather.

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Iā€™m having the same thing happening, even before yesterdays update. Everythingā€™s fine when taking off, but during climb, cruise and decent every 5 minutes-ish Iā€™ll experience a violent shake of the aircraft with a sudden drop in airspeed. Then 5-ish minutes later it happens again with the violent shake but with a surge in airspeed, sometimes over speeding. Turning real weather off will probably fix it, but whereā€™s the fun in that :confused:

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It was happening to me before the update, and its the same after too, only the mapping and basically everything else is worse. Plane gets a sudden burst of head wind while climbing, FBW A320, and the speed of the aircraft slows by 80-100kts. If I do get back to climb speed, if, the plane will not climb manually or automatically. ASOBOPOS
Using real weather settings.

I signed up for the forum just to talk about this. Completely game-breaking. A massive change in airspeed and most of the time the plane just completely loses lift and isnā€™t able to gain altitude or speed.


Iā€™m also noticing huge changes in fuel flow on the CJ4 when this is happening - something wacky with the air density model? (The climb where it was happening, I noticed fuel flow wasnā€™t going down as I climbed, making me wonder if air density isnā€™t reducing properly, then switches suddenly causing a huge drop in IAS (but an increase in TAS), then switches back.)

I was flying the A320 and every so often the entire plane would jerk itself, presumably due to drastic weather changes. After a certain point it wouldnā€™t climb or maintain airspeed with AP no matter what I did to try and correct it (toggle AP, manually set knots/vert speed, etc.)

It definitely looks like somethingā€™s weird with live weather. Sudden large changes in wind speed and direction, and Iā€™ve also had the occasional huge swing in outside air temperature (by over 50C!). Air density seems to be massively affected as indicated airspeed either drops or increases significantly (without any corresponding change in true airspeed) and Iā€™m getting sudden cabin pressure warnings as a result.

This is a very recent thing for me, hasnā€™t ever happened before.


I would say there ā€œcouldā€ be an issueā€¦

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The live weather system is so buggy and the game really should have a set of reasonable default values when the weather data is not loading up properly. I was flying at FL420 and the TAT(total air temperature) is 47C which is just ridiculous. If I switch off the live weather it became -27 which is more realistic. The air is so hot under live weather it barely provides any lift to keep a plane airborne. I have no idea how the game end up with this temperature but did the developers test the game at all?

Nope I really think they donā€™t test it at all. Other wise this bug must be present during testingā€¦ā€¦

Yeah. This new update 5 has some weird Live Weather issues for sure. Every flight I do I get on autopilot in a C172 below 10,000. But randomly the plane will jerk violently and RPM changes. I think Iā€™m moving from zone to zone and Baro, Wind, Temp changes and the plane reacts.

this issue began before Sim update 5 this is probably an issue with Asobo server not the sim itself

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