Very Bad FPS - Caused By Bing Data World Graphics (Bing server slow)


3080 TI, 50G RAM, 9900KF,
Expected usual FPS 40-60FPS

Reported Problem: Poor FPS, single digits

If your CPU is being hammered (Main thread =500/1000ms ) it is possible that the Bing Server cannot keep up with the demand of streaming scenery to clients. This latency of the server is what is causing poor FPS in your game,- all the way down to single digit FPS.

This on their end since I measured my connection Bandwidth/latency and I am 350mbs d/l, 30mbs upload, 12 ping.

Reproducible Use Case:
While your FPS are very low, turn off Bing Data World Graphics under Settings/Data.
You should return back to normal FPS.

If the Bing server is slow to stream data turning on the photogrammetry option will literally make things even worse (since photogrammetry depends on data being streamed down from the server).

As per suggested solution, in my case, the problem was caused having rolling cache enabled. This feature to me seemed bugged if it causes these kind of problems. Deleting the rolling cache solved the problem and I disabled this functionality.

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Clear your rolling cache. Delete it and recreate it and you should be fine (unless you’re doing 700 kts at 1000ft) :blush:

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Okay, so that worked but it doesn’t make any sense. The purpose of the rolling cache is so that you can load the cached scenery from your local drive which should be theoretically faster if you have a fast drive. I have a very fast SSD drive and even if it is a bit slower than downloading directly from Bing server why do I drop into single FPS, like 1-5 FPS. This sounds like the rolling cache feature is bugged.
Can you elaborate on your findings or understanding.

For now I turned the rolling cache off. I will avoid this bug and preserve life of my SSD.

I’ve been living this way for several months now, and I’ll probably not go back to the cache again for the same reasons. My stutters were worse when on approach, but I also had issues flying low and fast with the Super Hornet. Now cache off and not looking back!

Sometimes after a WU or SU new data is released for certain areas in the cloud. The rolling cache is in effect a database file. If the structure of the data in the cloud has changed, it can’t write to the cache and slows things down. Deleting it and recreating it fixes the cache structure and it stores the data from the cloud correctly again.
It is better to have the cache enabled as this is much more efficient and will actually save writes to the ssd in the long run. This is because with the cache switched off, you’re downloading and writing the data to a temporary area that is deleted when the sim is closed. Next time you restart it, it does it all again.
Deleting and recreating the cache does not need to be done with every update, only if you have a problem.

Okay, makes sense. … The thing with the rolling cache if you forgot the cause of your problem year from now on, you will waste your time googling for an hour. I’ll compare the performance with and without rolling cache and the will decide.
In reality, the updater should delete the rolling cache for you if the structure has changed or at least prompt you for it. This is creating a headache and is not very user friendly that you have to figure these things out yourself.