Hi All,
I’ve been getting extremely low FPS since last update. I used to get roughly 40FPS but am struggling to hit 20 with no weather in the cruise.
Ryzen 7 1700x
Most settings are Low-Medium running at 1080p. I don’t have an epic build but would hope to hit at least 30+
Been seeing a lot of Nvidia work arounds but not much AMD. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
as you can see, you’re limited by the main thread (CPU, not GPU), which is nothing odd when running on older CPU’s.
Lower settings that impact CPU the most (glass panel refresh rates to low, drop or remove AI and multiplayer trafffic, reduce terrain/objects scale etc).
What you could also check is if the correct XMP profile is enabled for your RAM in your BIOS. Ryzen likes fast memory.
But yeh, it’s around what you can expect with your hardware.
Notice how frame interval is 49.69 ms, it says limited by main thread, but main thread frame interval is 29.9 ms.
Do you by any chance have Vsync enabled and fps locked at 30 fps? If so, try disabling Vsync. There is a known bug in the Vsync fps lock and it has exactly that effect, see screenshots in the last post of this thread:.
Frame rate limiter odd behavior - Self-Service / Bugs & Issues - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
Hmm strange. vsync is disabled and the fps isn’t locked. As Mort said it could be hardware related, but given I’ve had 40fps in the past and that in that screenshot I’m in clear weather over empty terrain 20fps seems crazy even for my system.
Yeah then it must be something else… But that discrepancy between 49.69 ms and 29.9 ms is strange. I have an i7-4790 which is only marginally faster than yours and I have no problems getting a main thread limit of about 35 fps with offline AI traffic settings around 40%.
Turn Render Scaling down to about 60, turn everything to Low except Terrain Textures, turn all other traffic like Marine and Vehicle to 10, drop offline AI on airliners and GA to below 10. Turn all static objects at airports to lowest setting.
I get an average of 45 fps even with different Cloud presets from Sofly. And I have the same hardware as you except my CPU is a Ryzen 3 previous generation, so you should be getting better fps than I.
My Vsync is on and locked to 60. My monitor is an older flat panel at 60Hz so it’s fine. And locking the Vsync prevents a runaway GPU cooking itself on the Main Menu at 3 digit fps.
GA at 10 percent still generates over ten airplanes in 50 mile radius (according to Little Nav Map) so don’t feel like you have to bump it up unless you absolutely must. AI traffic is a CPU hog next to the Glass Cockpit and Medium Clouds.
Thanks! I appreciate it. I’m doing a complete PC reset, maybe there’s something conflicting that I’ll never find otherwise. I’ll give your suggestions a crack when it’s reinstalled. Glad you’re getting good FPS on a similar system, here I was starting to browse for a new rig