VFHub - Turbo Prop Wednesday

Hello Everyone!
Part two of our Turbo Prop Wednesday Event is scheduled.
Come and join in the fun.
Turbo Prop Wednesday 01-06-22.pln (3.4 KB)

Wednesday 01/06/22
Group speed will be between 160-180knts, Smaller Turbo props recommended (Kodiak, EMB110, DA62 etc)
Route Airport List: LFDJ - LESU - LEZA - LETC - LELN - LPPR
Airport list for 01.06.22 - LEZA to LETC

Please feel free to join our discord if you would like to take part in the event voice chat.
You can also file a Simbrief flight plan if you prefer.

Look forward to seeing you all there!


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Looking forward to another fun flight.

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Thanks to all who attended today, it was great to see some new pilots and the flight was really enjoyable.
See you next week!