VIP Charter missions not showing up for CJ4

I finally had a VIP mission show up for the CJ4. Only issue was the mission was in Australia and my plane in Europe and id need to spend 1,400,000 credits to move the plane in order to earn about 1,000,000 credits from the VIP mission.

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It does not appear to have been fixed in SU1 beta as of this moment. I’m playing it now and still don’t see any missions

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US airports I’ve seen with CJ4 jobs. (They are exceedingly rare)
They all fly only to Heber.

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i heard someone (perhaps a moderator) say that dubai had Tier 2 Charter missions. i spent a few days going from venice all the way down to the persian gulf. imagine my disappointment upon finding no charter missions of any kind at all in that region. huge bummer.

i was hoping to unlock southern africa. in real life, many people take small private charters to the game reserves in that region. i am guessing that it probably won’t be worth the considerable effort to unlock sourh africa in the game. i doubt there will be many charter flights there, as there are in the real world.

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You can unlock areas by just fast traveling your pilot to the airports without having to wait for missions to take you there.

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I recently found 5 European Medium VIP (CJ-4) jobs.
Interestingly, they also all go to the same destination.

i finally found a VIP mission and l’m gonna tell you what happened. you can see from the pictures that the cj4 is completely bugged. i started the mission and landed, i couldnt shut down the engine. even with key combinations on my keyboard or xbox-controller. i tried it manually from inside the cockpit, it didnt work either. i had to abort the mission. i’m done with this BS game! A multi-billion dollar company is not able to create a game which works without bugs!


yes I see these ones now too but the ones before that I had in the US are now gone, the same ones you shared before, Really makes me wonder what they are doing… Been a while waiting for them to get this right

better fly cargo missions with pilatus. you can make 1 mio € in just a few minutes. just put the flight plan from the ipad to avionics and atc and everything goes by itself. don’t fly over 18.000 ft. Handling is super easy. You can also let this plane fly for 6 hours while working on another computer. just setup a macro the hits “enter” every three seconds for the atc. and you will earn an S every time.


Yes I tried the 208 for cargo and medevac and either I’m not flying it right or something is really wrong with it because it doesn’t seem to follow the auto pilots pitch commands in vs mode and pitches straight up for me…

These missions all go to Venezia because of the Carnival.
It`s already known that the VIP missions only shows up when there is a special event.

The hope is that they will change this.
Let the special event only be for the gold star missions.

Finally was able to fly this thing thanks to the Venezia event.

Still have no idea how this mission type passed the initial design stage. You would lose massive amounts of money by trying to relocate aircraft around the world to fly all of the events, and just waiting for one to pop up in your local area seems like a massive waste of a mission type.

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Maybe they thought that we would have one VIP plane on every continent.
The payout for medium cargo would make it quite quick. lol