Vip Private vs VIP vip

Hi! I bought an aircraft to fly VIP vip missions but I still get only the VIP privates mission on…

Are the icons similar? How can I spot one VIP vip mission?

I have yet to see a single VIP VIP mission as have countless others. Only thing available are the Private missions. The mission generation system is not completely developed and I believe what is supposed to be working, is still not working correctly.


Pls see here:

I thought the VIP missions were down so they can fix it and add actual VIP missions but I see that it returned but still no VIP, just private… fail lol

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Continuing the discussion from 80% of Missions suddenly disappeared except Ferry Flight, Medical, Skydive:


I guess VIP move also in other places of the world :smile:

Ok, there are VIP - Private missions and then there are VIP - Charter missions (the ones that use the CJ4), VIP - Private missions have worked, they went down and now their working again, the VIP - Charter missions, the ones that everyone actually wants, they never existed yet, I’ve yet to see one screenshot showing a VIP - Charter mission that you can fly your CJ4 on.

Just so everyone’s on the same page. And I love the feedback from team of, can this be reproduced? PLAY the GAME, there are no VIP - Charter missions, and there have never been so far. Release them, doesn’t need to be “reproduced”.

Exactly, same with the non-existing heavy cargo missions…
These two issues alone are proof that career mode was released in an early pre-alpha state. They opened it up on day 1 anyway because they knew this feature would be a HUGE selling point to attract new players.
At a certain point in career mode after grinding like mad and trying to navigate through all the bugs you are basically stuck.

Both Charter and Private both used to spawn but both used to be exactly the same as each other, neither of which would allow you to use the CJ4 (bar 1 or 2 special ones which showed no indication of being special).

Then they both went away, and now only Private spawns.

Moved to User Support Hub as the OP was requesting community assistance.