VirtualFlight.Online VF025 MMTP Tapachula to MGGT La Aurora

On Sunday 27th June 2021, at 9pm BST (2000Z), we will host a Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) general aviation VFR flight from MMTP Tapachula to MGGT La Aurora, visiting a number of airfields along the way. Pilots are encouraged to fly the valleys in suitable aircraft.

The route is as follows:

MMTP Tapachula
MGSM San Marcos
MGCT Coatepeque
MGRT Retalhuleu
MGQZ Quezaltenango
MGQC Santa Cruz Del Quiche
MGGT La Aurora

You can download flight plans from Google Drive:

Voice communication will be provided via the Virtual Flight Online Discord Server:

Connect to the “WEST USA” server in MSFS (click your Microsoft avatar within the configuration screens to see the server choice).

If you are a member of Facebook, you might like to join the Virtual Flight Online Facebook Group too - we post all flights as events there too.

A little more about Virtual Flight Online…

We are a community of flight simulation enthusiasts who meet up online (in Facebook and Discord) to share knowledge, tips, advice, stories, and of course to fly together.

Flying events are listed on the Events page in a Google Calendar, in the Facebook Group, and as news stories at the front of the site a few days ahead of each event. Events are open to all.

It’s worth noting that our flying events are typically aimed at “General Aviation” aircraft. This is intentional - many other groups already exist that operate virtual airlines and organise group flights with passenger jets, ATC, and ACARS. Virtual Flight Online aims to be as relaxed, informal, and social as possible. A “flying club for the internet”.

Our members fly most of the popular flight simulators - from Microsoft Flight Simulator, to X-Plane, FSX, and Prepar3D - we can run JoinFS if needed to accommodate everybody regardless of the simulator they are running.

We’re a friendly bunch, always on the lookout for new people to fly with. Why not drop into Discord and see if any of us are online right now?

Suggestion…could you add the country in the description next time?

Not everyone is familiar with the flight plan’s airports and cities.


Certainly. Just out of interest, have you tried “Little Nav Map” ? - you can import the flight plan into it (or make a flight plan from the list of airfields I list), and then explore the world in it’s interactive map - which shows your aircraft live on the map.

Yes, I use Little Navmap all the time.

The reason for the country is that I look at the event calendar here on this forum and click an event to see the details. I do this for many events and is nice to have a sense of what part of the world an event is taking place (an “at-a-glance”, if you will), without having to use another app or website.
