VKB Stecs Standard

Hi is anybody using a VKB Stecs Standard throttle with MSFS in particular the Fenix A320 I’m in desperate need of help In getting it set up

I would set it up normally. Do you have the reverser toggle bound to the buttons up front?
Remember to calibrate the throttle in the Fenix EFB. And that both reversers idle and idle should be in position 0 (you’ll use the reversers by holding the buttons and moving the throttle forward).

Ideally you’d have some gates like the 3rd party addons for the Honeycomb Bravo, so you can feel where the different preset positions are.

You can look at this for inspiration: FENIX A320 | BRAVO TQ CONFIG | For both default Commercial & add-on Airbus Throttle Handles (youtube.com)

It’s a different controller but the principles should be the same.

Thanks for the advice I’m trying to do it button by button but straight away I couldn’t see anything that the flaps would map to or when mapped worked

I don’t use a VKB Stecs Standard throttle but use 2 buttons on my FSM-GA.

But, there seems to be a lot of mappings there for Flaps.

I probably don’t understand your question since I don’t have a VKB Stecs Standard throttle.
And this is the default A320.

The buttons are on my Encoder wheel on the FSM-GA.
Spin the Encoder wheel and the 2 flap wheels on the A320 move.

Thanks I will try the encoder wheel

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I am more happy now after mapping the most important controls in the Fenix cockpit to the VKB Stecs there’s only one I can’t bind engine start 1 and 2 any ideas anyone?