VNAV in G1000 C172 not working

Description of the issue:

It is flown in BETA version

After activation Approach procedure in G1000 (on C172), LNAV kicks in and plane is following NAV path correctly.
Upon lowering the altitude on AP on 0 (zero), pressing VS then VNAV following with APR, correctly displays all activated mods GP/V and ALTS
What is expected to see is VNAV data in FLP segment of G1000.
I tried to enable/disable VNAV with no success.
Also, TOD point is not presented graph.
Plane follows LNAV but never start to descent even with activated VNAV mode which is confirmed on top of main (left) display.

*** This is working perfectly in currently public msfs24 version ***
When I went back to regular version - it works just fine.

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?

Nothing is in community folder


I tried it lots of time. It never works. This behavior is the always the same as described above.


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

1.In flight AP engaged. Active mods NAV, ALT
2.On G1000 select and activate approach procedure
3.Path shifts to new procedure path (as it should )
4. Reduce ALT to 0 (or rw altitute)
5. Activate VS, then VNAV and APR
6. On main display - left one, mods appear GP/V and one for path vnav
7. On G1000 FLP is active, so in bottom part of it, should be VANV parameters like timer countdown to TO (or BOD) - there are non of those data
7. Plane follow LNAV (as it should) but never start VANV descent
8. Also there are no TOD or BOD points on path in G1000

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?

I dont even have dev mod activated

[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?

RTX 4090

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?


Please add a screenshot or video of the issue occurring.


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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

This procedure works just fine in regular - current versin of msfs 24 just not in Beta

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Moved to Sim Update 1 Beta | MSFS 2024 since OP indicated to be under the SU1.

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Yes I saw similar, no TOD after selecting the Approach, Setting Altitude and the VNAV. Nothing happens.

Your approach needs to be active and you should see the TOD. If you don’t then you may have already passed the calculated TOD and it will not descend. Use VS to descend and catch up to the TOD.

I use VNAV all the time and it always works for me. GP/V is a shorthand for VNAV and GP both being armed, usually while ALT or ALTS is also active.

Are you flying on beta msfs24?
Because, I do have all of this in regular msfs24 working just fine. I know how to use it and I use it very often.
This I can not apply and use in beta version. That is the reason I backed off from beta to regular version of msfs2

I am flying SU1 beta 2 (I did not try the first cut of SU1). Xbox X, no mods.

VNAV in C172-G1000 is working for me but as @OrdainedFox3050 points out, you must arm VNAV (VPTH) before you reach TOD or it won’t descend at all. I can’t remember if it used to be able to “catch up” if you armed it later and I have no idea what the real G1000 is supposed to do.

I also noticed that the data in the FPL for Active VNV Profile shows a TOD time before I get to the TOD, and TOD is on the map, but none of the other fields like VS TGT, VS REQ, FPA and VDEV populate until 1 minute before TOD. At that point they fill in and when I reach TOD the AP starts gradually bringing me down at only -1.5%.

I don’t have time or desire to uninstall the beta 2 and go back to the released version to see if it’s different. But my memory is that maybe it brought me down faster at -3.0% and if I armed VNAV late it could catch me up without me using VS directly to catch up to where I should be on the VNAV path?

Sorry for the long and probably too cryptic reply. All this to say I think VNAV is working, it just may be working slightly differently than it used to?

Happy flying!

I’m not having any luck with the VNAV in the G1000

Direct to airport, should I not be able to select an ALT for the VNAV floor and the distance from the airport to reach it?

Same on the PFD, I can’t get the cursor to edit the ALT or Offset fields

Once an airport and approach are selected, the VS TGT cannot be edited. I can get the cursor into the FPA field and edit that, but as soon as I make any changes I loose the VNAV/TOD completely.

VNAV flight path marker missing

Now past TOD, showing BOD, but not descending.

If I activate the APR, then I seem to lose the whole VNAV profile. The only way to get back the VNAV profile is SLEW backwards, clear the approach in the FMS and redo everything again.

Using Vertical Navigation on the G1000 | VNV Mode | Top of Descent Planning
None of the stuff he’s doing in MSFS2020 seems to be working in beta.

Still not working with Sim update 1 beta version 2. You must be on a different version.

I’m on the latest version of the SU1 Beta and have been since it was released. I use VNAV all the time, often times multiple flights per day, and I have absolutely no problems with the G1000 VNAV working properly.


This is so weird. I select procedures. Select approach, straight,and activate. I see the Tod alt in fpl. No tod icon on mfd map. After activating vnav no decent.

Are you flying in C172? Maybe G1000 works just fine in some other plain…

Yes I am in Cessna 172 G1000

I likewise have no problems with VNAV in the G1000 C172

What platform pc or xbox ? What version of MSFS 2024?

PC, current version of Beta

Xbox X, SU1 version here. C172, G1000, passenger variant, Free Flight only. 16GB cache.
I could post photos of VNAV working fine for me but I know that won’t help you at all. I have no doubt it’s not working for you. A real mystery.

I do tend to usually fly to only about 6 different USA airports. Maybe it works in some flight plans or locations but not others?

Difficult to tell from the images you posted but to me it looks like you inserted the Approach too late. You do not show both the PDF and MFD together but all the images I see of the PDF shows you at 6000ft by the time you have entered the approach and you are like 5 NM away from the FAF. At the speed shown in the MFD, at that point you are already past TOD. I think this pretty much confuses the GPS as well.

What I suggest is starting the flight a long way away and get your approach inserted a long way before you get anywhere near the VNAV profile. Give yourself room: rushing things while you are figuring it out is unnecessary and just adds a whole lot of stress as you try to catch up to the aircraft.

Specific comments/suggestions:

  1. Do not assume that you will get any vertical guidance by just entering Direct To your destination airport. I have never tried that but I do not believe that is the way the G1000 direct to works.
  2. Make sure you are above - or at least AT - the altitude constraint of the first waypoint in your intended approach
  3. Make sure that you have the approach entered and you are stabilised on the Nav track to get to your first VNAV waypoint while you are still comfortably further away from the point where you will need to start descending. Some of your MFD shots show you off track and only about 5NM from the waypoint.
  4. Note that it is only once you enter an approach that you will get the VNAV info.
  5. Make sure you have the AP altitude set to at or below the first VNAV waypoint constraint well in advance.
  6. Select VNAV well before the TOD. At that point you should be comfortably set and established on your path to the first waypoint. Again: make sure to give yourself lots of time and room.

When I do all that, the C172 G1000 has always worked pretty much flawlessly. Just to make sure there has not been a late bug in the sim Beta, I just did a flight from Kingman KGIM to Las Vegas KLAS and everything was perfect.

Good luck!

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@SlabsFly, thank you for your suggestion. Will try later and report back.

So an update, tried @ (SlabsFly) suggestijons and did not work.

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Sorry to hear that. Not sure what more to suggest. With MSFS2020 and all iterations of 2024, up to and including the current Beta, I have never had any issues with any of the MANY approach I have flown using the G1000. Other than if I messed up, of course, and then it was very obvious that it was my fault.

Hope somebody else can help out: good luck!