Good morning. Tested vr mode on the rift this morning. Really awesome. Only issue is that the cockpits are on the small side. Is there any way to adjust the cockpit scale?
I get the same. It actually makes me not play this. I feel ridiculous inside like a toy plane. Any workaround appreciated!
I remember when I used flyinside for prepar3d that there was a simple adjustment slider. So it can be done. There will be a cfg file somewhere where it can be changed, we just need a genius to find it hahha.
I wonder if mouse scroll works?
I actually feel the opposite! I think the GA planes are just about right but the jets, especially the A320 is way too big compared to the reel thing. I think it may have something to do with IPD as well. I have a large IPD and set the software setting in Oculus to 72.
It must be an hmd thing. I’m using the rift cv1. I fly both the cessna 152, 172, and Robin irl and they all seem very small in the sim. I remember on prepar3d that every aircraft had to be adjusted for scale in the flyinside tool. So I think this will be functionality that will have to be added by Asobo.
I just tested the PA44 and that looks perfect. I have to say that even on max settings I am getting really smooth performance.
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