VR is a big step up for MSFS but we need a helicopter

Finally we are moving towards a modern full functioning sim with VR. It seems to work as well as X plane and P3D but not quite as smooth as Aerofly but considering they made it work on an Obsolete DX11 rather than DX 12 Ultimate it probably means it can still be improved.

Admittedly I am running a I9 9900K at 5.3 Ghz and a RTX 2080 but it works very well on my Vive pro and my Samsung Odyssey to the point that I am actually finding I have spent more time in a week on MSFS than the previous six months so I wonā€™t be going back to a flat screen that is so 2014.

The immersion levels and the ease of operating in VR just make flat screening so difficult.

Now when will we get helicopters so ASOBO please make them a priority rather than 2022 as VR and helicopters and gliders go together like Cheese and Wine and we know how much the French like cheese and wine so just get on with it please.

Well this is the first time MSFS has managed to actually get my attention away from P3d and X Plane for more than 5 minutes.


agreed, id love a Heli


2 year wait is too long to wait


There is a big thread for Helicopters so worth adding your vote to that if not done so far.


Yes, but the scenery in FS2 is nothing like the scenery in MSFS.

I do agree about helicopters though. It would be great if we could get one a bit sooner.



I am joining in. Heli-Simming and VR go together - and MSFS would be the place to be for both ā€¦

Am absolutely fine with ā€œdoing things rightā€ - but thereā€™s quite a community for helicopter flying and I would appreciate having helis before the end of 2022 (or even the end of 2021) ā€¦ am testing/using the sim for a year now ā€¦ and most of my wishes got fulfilled ā€¦ one is still open ā€¦


If we could just combine Aerofly helicopters and flight physics with MSFS ā€¦ wow.

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Strongly disagree with this. X-Plane VR is extremely mature and comfortable compared to MSFS, which is literally 1/4 baked. Looking forward to it improving, but there is like 2 dozen things on the list of ā€˜neededā€™ currently.

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Yes, Iā€™m definitely not a X-Plane fan boy but, to be fair, I think the Laminar guys have done a pretty good job with VR. With FS2020 we are at the start of VR and whilst not too bad I still think it has a heck of a long way to go before we can call it a good experience.

I sometimes wonder if Asobo is trying to please too many people and trying to be all things to all people without being the master of one. I understand the thinking a little but I would just like them to get one area sorted adequately before moving on to the next. Letā€™s hope they sort out aircraft bugs and VR now before moving on to, e.g., helicopters but I am not holding out any hope of this. I know there are loads of people who disagree with me here because helicopters is a much wanted thing but if weā€™re not careful the FS2020 experience is going to be a mile wide and a couple of inches deep.

Anyway, just my own thoughts :slightly_smiling_face:

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TBH the main reason i want a heli is to hover over scenery and examine it ā€¦ rather than pausing itā€¦
on another note, id love to see some sort of way of communicating with other in game pilots i seeā€¦ ( other online players)


I think it is just normal. It took x-plane almost a year to get their VR experience to be better than roughly what MSFS has now (if they add controller support). Now VR in x-plane is extremely good. I can spend hours in only VR and do multiple flights if I want, and everything works the way you hope\expect. Teleporting, repositioning in the seats, etc. It all just works. It works really, really well considering the complexity of it all and the relatively modest team at Laminar.

I sincerely hope Laminar finds a way to compete with the Bing\M$ dataset\subject matter expert availability. I think x-plane is actually much, much better than MSFS2020 is currently - but MSFS has those graphics and GPS dataset and modern autogenā€¦

I have a feeling Asobo is almsot entirely focused on porting this thing to x-box right now. That seems to be what their roadmap indicated


Yes, I agree with everything you say including the likely focus on the xbox. Having said that, I personally get much, much better performance with FS2020 than X-Plane 11 and that coupled with the great scenery is a big draw for me. Maybe the great performance is down to the simple GA aircraft I fly (ā€˜study levelā€™ not yet being available) but anyway in this respect I think Asobo have done well.

Regarding X-plane I can actually live without the FS2020 type photo scenery so long as it is immersive and the textures are reasonably crisp. The current unoptimised performance for me (even with Vulcan which tbh didnā€™t improve my own fps or smoothness) and the last gen. textures, however, are a big turn off. I would be interested in an optimised X-Plane 12 with much better textures but if it was to perform worse than X-Plane 11 then I wouldnā€™t bother with it :slightly_smiling_face:


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