VR mode backseat

Hi there, when i fly the diamond 40 and start VR i’m in the backseat. How to get in front? it’s very difficult to control the plane from the backseat :wink:

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Try pressing ctrl and space bar, that combination gets me into the correct position. And use camera settung in general options to set the correct height.

I think 2020 had a camera height translation but I haven’t been able to find it in 2024.

I bind all the camera translations to a hat switch. Makes moving around the interior quite easy.

it also shut the engines down on the A400

The VR issue with the DA40 was raised in another thread already. Maybe it can be merged and raised as a bug.

Move or use shift to reset position.

So many binding conflicts in 2024! I wiped most clean as they were causing so many weird issues.