Vr question for AMD users

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Hi there people.I want to upgrade to the latest version os one day.
The thing that has got me hesitating a wee bit are the reports on the forum stating that the shaking issue occurs after the upgrade.

The bulk of these comments are from Nvidia owners, some do not say what systems they use.I think only one AMD poster.

I would like to hear from someone who owns an AMD card about their experience after upgrading to Windows 11.

I have an intel motherboard coupled with a 6000 series video card.

I imagine not alot of people use this setup.

I am interested to hear from anyone who has an AMD video card and a Intel or AMD mobo.

I have Windows 11, I am running a Radeon 6800XT MBE on an AMD based motherboard.
I do experience the shaking issue in MSFS - although moderately. It’s not annoying enough to stop flying but, at the same time, I’ll be very happy when this issue is resolved.

I just re-tried Half-Life : Alyx to see if it’s affected by this shaking issue.
Verdict : No, butter smooth.

Seems to be an MSFS issue more than an OS one.

Looks to me like its a MSFS conflict with Windows 11.
So you did not feel it was bad enough to consider rolling back to Windows 10?
I am using an HP Reverb G2 with all upgrades .Which HMD do you use?

I have a gen 1 Lenovo Explorer for WMR.

No, it’s not that terrible. Annoying.
After some time, you get used to it.

Running AMD 5900X with an RX 6900XT - I can’t get VR to run at all. Even with a locked 30 FPS in Steam VR, all settings to minimum in game, etc - the game still can’t get decent frame timing or stable running - meanwhile very low CPU and GPU usage.

I’ve about given up now.

I have no experience with steam vr in msfs,I only use wmr.I have high gpu usage.You need to get that 6900xt working.

Try switching over to wmr if you can.If you have the steam version of msfs that may be unavailable.

Check your bios, make sure your using the game bar ,then turn it on in the addrenalin software.If you have an older version of addrenalin drivers clean uinistall them with a ddu programme and use the latest drivers.

Make sure your fans are set up right on your gpu . Do this in the addrenalin software .

Check all your devces are not being powered down by windows power management. Check this in device manager.

What make of vr headset are you using?

Valve Index. Playing Xbox Store (gamepass) version. Just did a ddu clear. And fresh install a few days ago for unrelated reasons. Bios is latest, fans ramp up fine when necessary.

This is the only game that won’t use my resources. Elite dangerous performance wish garbage, but still uses all my GPU with Odyssey but that’s well known.

Plenty of other VR games work fine, but msfs just doesn’t perform. I can get it almost working with the chase view, but cockpit view is a slideshow of about 15 fps.

Game runs like a gem in pancake.

My PC is a !0900K with a 3900xt gpu 32 gb Ram.
I get reasonable performance with frames locked at 32.Setting mosttly high.Render scale 100 in game.Same in open XR .
Performance wise both our machines, I am guessing here would be similar!
Can you use the index in WMR or are you commited to Steam VR?
If your able use WMR as it will give you better performance than steam vr, that’s what I have read on this forum.
Figure the index is steam only ,being a Valve product.

PS Make sure you do not have Vertical sync switched on in VR.

You can’t use non-WMR headsets with WMR - Even though it should be trivial to implement, for some reason MS has chosen not to do so (as of yet).

Either way, MSFS is just using OpenXR, which SteamVR supports intrinsically.

Additionally, as I said, setting everything to minimum results in ZERO change in performance - this appears to me to be more of a hardware-software interaction issue, since it appears people using nvidia hardware are working just fine, but many others with AMD hardware are having similar issues with this game.

I’d hazard a guess there is some hardware specific optimizations that they are not using properly for MSFS, or perhaps there is a driver bug they need to reach out to AMD about, as other games have done in the past with both gpu companies.

That doesn’t seem right. I’m running a 5800X and 6900XT on a Samsung Odyssey+. No issues. Seems to run better/smoother with everything on ultra than on med/high. I did have an issue when the framerate limiter in the AMD Radeon Software was set to 31 FPS. That took me a few hours to figure out. The Radeon control panel is very different than Nvidia’s.

Did you find it ran better with no frame rate limit?

I am not getting good results with my Radeon 6900XT and HP Reverb G2 (brand new). Running the Beta. I wonder if you can share your settings. The bugs
(1) The VR frame rate is reported at 20, 2D is over 40 using shift-Z. Is this typical?
(2) Lots of item shake especially bottom row screen buttons. Outside seems stable. Shake continues with engine off
(3) Small graphic anomaly floating in the scene - looks like 4x4 grid of small changing rectangles that might be tiny windows.
I am using NIS but the improvement is very tiny. In game render is set to 100 as is OpenXR.
I have followed several posts on settings but they all seem to target NVidia. The more settings I change the worse it gets.

I found a combination of settings that works for my 6900XT and returned my frame rate to 50+

OpenXR NIS upscale
~ Uninstalled - even when disabled NIS tool killed my frame rate and produced visual artifacts.
OpenXr developer settings
~ Render Scale to 70%
~ Motion Reprojection Disabled
AMD Graphics settings page
~ Radeon Image Sharpening Disabled
~ Frame rate target set to 60

With no Reprojection the cockpit fine detail is optimized and I do not see problem with outside view after head turn.

I think you would have to be happy with that frame rate.I managed an average of 36 fps starting from AKL then flying over the city (Orbx) in the Volocopter.I turned off frame rate limiter and image sharpening .I left my render scale at 100/100.Are you running the latest driver?

After increasing the in-game Graphics options, and raising OXR to 100, my frame rate has settled to 41-43 with acceptable visuals. I wish the cockpit instruments were sharper but that is probably the state of VR technology. I will try further tweaks.

In 2D I seem to have some GPU headroom, the limit is reported to be main thread.
In VR, the GPU goes to high 90s.

I did more testing this morning and my problems yesterday are only when Motion Reprojection is on and not from NIS Scaling add-on. Reprojection feature on or auto leads to lots of issues for me.

And yes, my AMD drivers are up to date.

We have two nearly identical VR systems in our household except GPU RTX 2080TI and RX 6900XT.
** Ryzen 5 3600/RTX , 32 Gb 3200Mhz RAM, Gigabyte Gaming X570 Mainboard. HP Reverb G2

RTX 2080TI
FlightSimulator NIS 80%, OXR 100/100, Default (medium setting) 32-35 FPS

RX 6900XT
FlightSimulator NIS 100%, OXR 100/100, Default (medium setting) 45 FPS
As you can see… The RX 6900XT running 20% more resolution and gettting 30% more FPS.=
I am quite surprised by the result.
I get similar result in DCS.
In Australia RX 6900XT is on sale $2250 with 3 years warranty, while the second hand 2080TI on ebay selling $1500-$1800.
Why anyone willing to pay for 2080TI while they can get RX 6900XT with 3 years warranty… at least 30% improvement on the 2080TI?

I am in the computer business and work with AMD on some projects so I have good opinion of the company. But the broad population of serious gaming GPU users prefer Nvidia. I might have purchased Nvidia myself if I could get one. My model is PowerColor Red Devil ultimate and it is stable at 105% overclock. But with air cooling I need to boost the fan profile to keep the temps reasonable. Have you checked the GPU temp while in MSFS? The default max fan is too low for me.

Also, do you see issues with Motion Reprojection enabled on 6900XT?

[quote=“jjbzflight, post:20, topic:483549”]
I tried Motion Reprojection enabled on 6900XT once in OpenXR developer, but got very unstable. I never been a fan of Motion Reprojection so I did not try it again.
In DCS, in steam VR with motion reprojection on by default… it quite stable. But I think DCS using OpenVR not OpenXR