VR Stuck on [VR - Camera Reset] Key Instructions

Hi, I need your help on how to launch VR for the first time. I opened the Mixed Reality Portal first, where I own an HP Reverb G2 headset. Got to the FS VR screen, where there is a popup window in front of the the General screen that states: “Please look in front of you and [VR - Cameras Reset] key to set the pilot view”. I think the word “press” is missing. I can move the mouse cursor, but cannot select anything. Completely stuck with doing anything but using the power button to shutoff the computer. Thakns for your help!


You can bind a key to center the view. Just press that key, the message goes away and your vr-view is centered.

Of course you need to bind that key before entering vr-mode…


Hiya, you need to assign the VR keys. Do this before going to VR. They should have made this alot clearer.

Once assigned you can select to go in and out of VR, focus on instruments etc.

Only used breifly very impressed


It would a lot easier that the game let you know that no keys are binded to VR if you change to VR mode from general options. I had to close the game Google the problem and visit this post 🤦


Just ran into this as well, could have been done in a better way TBH.
Now I try to map the VR functions and FS did recognize something called “Touch Pointer”, seemingly my Oculus controllers, but they don’t register any button presses if I try to map things to them…

This does not work for me. I am NOT in VR mode when I go to the VR MODE menu screen. In the VR MODE menu screen the only assignment that is there by default is “VR - cockpit focus” assigned to the right mouse button. All other options are blank and when I try to highlight them to assign a button to them I can not do a thing. It’s as if the entire menu is useless except the “switch to VR” option. Any thoughts on how to assign buttons in this menu? Thanks

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