Walk Around Outside the Aircraft

Question: Can this topic be renamed?

First/Third Person Avatar Mode: Exploration outside of your aircraft” sounds more specific than “Walk Around”.

This suggestion is not to impune the OP in any way - it would just convey the idea of what is being discussed/wished-for far better to others that may be interested in this topic, if the title was named in more detail.


I think this could be a great mod. An addon that allowed you to simply use the hat switch to easily move around in first person while being attached to the ground height. Maybe someone is already working on this? Or better yet Asobo will add it along with some fauna generation options. The scenery is just that good it really would be awesome.

Absolutely agree💯

I made a topic about this a little while ago - I sincerely hope that this feature is added because it would take this game to a whole new level of fun and immersion.

Jorg mentioned that they are researching different species of butterflies for the time when we can get out of the aircraft and walk around; so it’s coming🤘


Is there any addon like this temporarly to use right now? :smiley:


Some will say that the Drone Camera is sufficient as a temporary substitute - but it’s nothing compared to the feeling of absolute immersion in actually being able to get out of your aircraft and then being able to walk around it; examining it and then venturing out and scouting/exploring the surrounding area - taking pictures and soaking in the atmosphere before heading back to the aircraft to continue your adventure :metal::100:

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Maybe you could select a bigger watch as well.

The feeling of immersion would be really enhanced if my avatar wasn’t “locked” inside the cockpit. Yes, I can move the camera outside the aircraft, but that’s not what I mean. When I’m on the ground, I’d like to be able to leave the cockpit, walk around the inside of the aircraft, exit the aircraft, walk around it on the tarmac, etc… i.e. the things one would do in real life. Maybe there could be things to explore at the airport itself - why not go inside the terminal, or hangar, etc.? I think it would really open up some possibilities that give meaning to why we fly around in the first place. It’s not just for the experience of flying itself, it’s also to arrive somewhere new and to explore, to have a feeling of “place”. It would give airport designers an extra dimension of normally-inaccessible detail to add. You can also imagine avatars interacting with each other at airports in ways that are not really possible with each of us locked inside our planes. Hardcore simmers might scoff that this will turn into MSFS into some kind of Grand Theft Auto experience… but it would by definition be entirely optional and could open up some really interesting scenarios to keep the sim feeling fresh and new.

(also submitted as a request on zendesk)


The drone camera would let you do this, and there are some significantly enhanced local airports where you can do exactly that.

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I know, but that’s not quite what I’m after here. It may seem silly but I don’t want to just fly around with the drone camera, I want to walk around as my avatar and be limited by physics on what I can do (just like the plane is). And see other players’ avatars also walking around.


Well, Orbx had such a feature called Bob which was essentially a ground vehicle emulating a First Person View. I honestly thought it was a bit of a gimmick. The drone gives much more versatile capabilities covering the same functionality. That being said, I don’t think many things are really optimized for that kind of exploration. If it did, it would be at the expense of having actual sim (i.e., flying and environment) related performance impacts. You’d have to give up cycles to model those complex internal polygons and they would remain present as a burden even if you’re flying over or near them. It’s just simply a matter of scarce resource allocation.

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Exactly! And fix functionality issue going on first even if they ever did consider doing this imo.

What mods?

What airports?

Friday Harbor. Came with the sim and USA Update I believe. Completely free too.

It surprises me that there isn’t more love for this topic🤷‍♂️


Is there a way to set the default starting location, or the default drone camera location/settings?
Right now you have to get into drone cam and fly towards a spot on the airfield and each time set the correct drone settings (height, speed, zoom etc.) to simulate walk around.
Would be nice if you could default this. Couldn’t find anything in Camera.cfg

…or Asobo could create a dedicated Walk/Avatar Mode :metal:t2::100:

The possibilities are endless:

  • Do walk-arounds of your aircraft [before takeoff and after landing]
  • Explore natural environments, airports, aircraft cabins, cities, towns, neighborhoods and so much more
  • Like a virtual vacation - fly anywhere in the world, then get out of your aircraft to explore and take pictures to document your adventures
  • Skydiving could be implemented with this as well

Look at what SimWorksStudios has done with their Okavango Delta Add-on:

It’s like a virtual Safari/Bush Trip. You can even drive ground vehicles!:astonished:!


Not needed at all.

MS and Asobo resources are better served rectifying the bugs in the systems and improving the flight dynamics.

Walkarounds are a nice to have visual, that is all. They are totally different to what you will do in real life, no way a simulator can lift the engine cowl and check out the oil level, to check on control surfaces, the rigidity of wheel cowls, to check if the pitot is clear etc

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But you can.

The new Aerosoft CRJ has operational doors and panels you can open to do a full, virtual pre-flight check. The Drone Camera is passable; but it’s not the same as having a dedicated mode for simulating being there.

When you say “Not needed at all”, you are speaking for yourself. There are many of us that would adore the added immersion and freedom having a “Walking Mode” would offer.

Watch the Okavango Delta trailer above and you can easily see just how much fun you could have by being able to do things outside of your aircraft before takeoff and especially after landing somewhere👍🏻


I am looking forward to this one!

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