WASM Standalone Module Error

I just installed Visual Studio 2019 and the 8.0 SDK, I am trying to try out the WASM Standalone example but I am getting the error below when loading the solution.
Any Ideas?

Samples\StandaloneModule\Sources\Code\StandaloneModule.vcxproj : warning : The build tools for MSFS cannot be found. Install MSFS to build using the MSFS build tools.

EDIT: This has happened to me twice, I know a workaround is reinstalling VStudio and then reinstalling the SDK, but if somebody knows more - should that be the case actually?

Did you install the clang tools into vs? Is your path set to the SDK folder.

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Yes and no.
But even after reinstalling and the problem going away, the SDK is never really added to the path, I guess it must be something else?