I am going to buy MSFS2020 AND an Xbox to run it on when it comes out for that platform. The game is beautiful, however, many can agree there are significant issues with flight physics. I can live with most of them, but the one that really irks me is that planes come to a stop much too quickly after touching down! I see this across all of the aircraft that come with the game.
Thrust reversers are too powerful both in jets and prop aircraft. I know braking was nerfed a few months back, but the stopping distance is still too short. I would really like to see the issue(s) causing this pinpointed and dealt with. I’m not asking for perfection, merely a challenge like it is to land IRL. Beyond nerfing the efficacy of thrust reversers, maybe program some consequences into the game for braking too hard.
I don’t know if I will be buying MSFS2020 AND an Xbox if this is not at least addressed by the devs.
Have you ever flown IRL on Southwest Airlines? They have a reputation of not missing the first taxiway exit plus they don’t want to waste valuable turnaround time taxiing all over the airport.
For GA aircraft the short field landing distances using correct short field technique match the POH (the ones I have). Same for soft field landings.
When posting in the #bugs-and-issues subcategories we ask that you post only one bug or issue per topic. Before posting, search to see if there is an existing topic and contribute to it. Creating duplicate topics split vote counts and issues. Please use the template when posting in the #bugs-and-issues subcategories.
You’ve posted this nonsense already and this useless discussion went on for 295 posts with you disregarding all the proof that you are wrong.
Posting it again doesn’t make it better.
You were wrong in your original post and now again!
It’s not a bug, and hence it doesn’t belong to the bug section
Closing topic as seems to be going no where. Please keep posts on the subject of MSFS and not on others. A proper way of having a topic looked into is to notify moderators. Thank you.