Weather is innacurate

im in montreal there is snow outside, ive checked the weather in msfs to real weather, what i see is dry terrain and dry runways…what is going on, is it me or is it a miracle over montreal if i look outside my home there is still snow.
is this the REAL WEATHER…hummm…i dont think so.

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I’ve yet to see MSFS autoselect the “snow” preset when real weather is set, and there’s actually snow coming down at the chosen location. If I know the weather somewhere is actually snowing, I just select the “snow” preset for now.
Hoping for it to select snow automatically in the future.

Smart man and this is like beating a dead horse.

They don’t have seasons implemented in game yet. It’s not broken. The feature just doesn’t exist at the moment.

You can force snow on the ground if you wish using custom weather. Just don’t expect to see snow on the ground with Live Weather until seasons are implemented. It was said that they intend to bring that in at some point, but it’s not on their road map as of yet.

it seems not because if you clic on snow in the real weather or rain its not real weather. real weather suppose to know automatically if its snowing or not, or even raining.
thats what i like about fsx, fsx with as16 thats the real weather. if it snowing outsidee when you look in fsx its snowing. thats it.
will wait.