Weather Issues with game?

Ok so this is my first post sp I apologize if I am posting this in the wrong place. Anyway, You know when you first click on the Map how the earth pops up and you can see the clouds on it. Well the clouds are no longer there and Live Weather is grayed out? How do I get the clouds back?

you need to make sure you’re on live settings (vs custom) and also, while on the map, there are filters… do you have them turned off for some reason?

And check your settings, you maybe turned off Live Weather via options.

Ok so today Im guessing that MS turned there Servers off??

Hit F to open filters, then check that the “Weather Layer” is turned to “Clouds” instead of “Precipitation” or “Off”.

So now when I open MSFS i click any button and I get some network server error?? Any word on this?