Today I was checking a few things with weather presets and I learned a few things that you may or may not know but I thought I’d share just in case.
First - older weather presets probably won’t work correctly - even if it appears they do. I discovered the old format didn’t even save the ‘coverage’ value. Or at least none of mine did. The new ones have it. I’m not even sure how the old ones worked at all with that in mind.
Second - I had shared a couple of weather themes (old style) and the comment I got back was that the clouds were darker than in the pic I showed. Today I learned that Asobo has implemented not only sunlight that varies with location on the Earth but also sunlight that varies with season. Maybe they always had this but the weather presets maybe had a date encoded in them or something - I don’t really know - but if you have a theme that looks right, you’ll need to pay attention to time of day and date to get it to look that way in the future.
Third - there is a bug in the weather preset reloading feature. You can save a density value of up to ‘5.00’ but it may or may not load that value back in. It defaults back to ‘1.0’ and can make your clouds look different.
and so with all that in mind, here’s a weather theme I made today and you’ll probably have to adjust the density value of the middle cloud layer to your liking:
211219G200912Ocast3.WPR (2.9 KB)
and pics at KMRY with density adjusted to about 2 (maybe 3)
also - I could be wrong but it seems to me that ‘scatter’ either spreads the clouds out evenly or puts them in clumps. I cant tell you which is which or if Im even right…just my thinking on the subject.