Weird things happening on the screen

I need help trying to fix a new situation when I try to fly. There is a bus flying in the sky, it looks like a lake in the middle of the runway and after about 100 yards down the runway, the plane veers rapidly right into high weeds.
I’ve been trying to find a cause of all this but have come up with nothing so far. Does anyone have the reason and can it corrected. I’ve had the application for several months now and have never got it to fly correctly for several reasons.
I appreciate your help. Thanks, Tom

Hi Tom, sounds like a magic mushroom or two too many.

Never happened to me on my system. Ever.

No, it’s not that…I’m too old for that. It did happen but has gone now. If it happens again, I’ll get a quick picture of the airport bus in the air.

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OK…It did it again and I got a screen shot of the bus and look a like water on the runway. It was taken after the plane veered sharply to the right.
Any ideas how to fix this?
Thanks, Tom

who knows, could be drivers, bad settings, hardware conflicts.

Doesn’t really help that you didn’t post where this was, so others might be able to check how it looks for them.

What do you mean with ‘the bus’ anyways? I don’t see any busses there.

Hi, when you get the picture, click on it and another couple picture will come up. It shows the bus clearly.
Sorry for the confusion. The flight started at Chicago Executive , KPWK.

Thanks for any help.

I know it sounds crazy, but there is a bus flying in the air right before the plane veers off the runway. Attached are three shots of it but just push 20.87 mile marker on the screen and the picture will be a close up of the bus.
I still can’t get around this problem but really I wanted you to know I am seeing a bus flying.

OOPS…I forgot to up load the picture.