MSFS setup the defaults which don’t seem to work properly… eg Throttle to max only produces 50% power.
I think throttle, mixture and prop just need to be setup to the correct axis’s
Thanks for any advice!
MSFS setup the defaults which don’t seem to work properly… eg Throttle to max only produces 50% power.
I think throttle, mixture and prop just need to be setup to the correct axis’s
Thanks for any advice!
Mixture: Joystick R Axis Y
Propeller: Joystick R Axis X
Throttle: Joystick R Axis Z
Disclaimer, mine is a Saitek, which is an older version. But there are multiple axis choices, these give me full movement. If you use the ones with a + or -, they will limit your range.
Thank you… got it working after a struggle, I was still only getting 50% power until fixed the prop setting,… thanks again.