What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

I was watching some landing action via live aircraft feed at KORD over an hour ago


My African tour continues, 470 nm to my next destination, Walvis Bay (FYWB)


Have you noticed when doing this on the ground at an airport, the Live Traffic plane disappears before landing?

I think this has to do with FlightAware. FlightAware does have some ground reporting but only at certain airports. A while back, FlightAware contacted me via email if I was interesting in putting in a device to pick up ground radio our airport. But where I am from the airport, it wouldnā€™t work as I need direct line of sight. They were going to send me the hardware to do it. They advertise this on their website seeking people who would do this.

Having this:

Then supplies FlightAware with this:

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I sometime have the live traffic switched on. For the time being the only issue I have with the live traffic is doing go-around when the aircraft ahead is cleared from runway

As for aircrafts disappearing before landingā€¦ I may have seen that happened from the previous 2 updates, Iā€™m not sure

Flew from Leeds Bradford (EGNM) to Copenhagen (EKCH) in the A320 Neo.

No problems from bugs at any point in the flight, so thatā€™s good news.

I did this almost same flight but out of Humberside (HUY) in the TBM. Thought about using the Icon to dip in the N Sea but it would have taken too long.

Cessna 172 G1000 from EGCL (Fenland) to EGGW (UK2000 Luton Airport Scenery). No bugs or problems.

I always think of the Icon as a plane for the tropics - itā€™s my island-hopper. Kind of feels out of place around the UK (though I did take it on a tour of the Lake District).

My Uncle has one in real life and we live in NW Montana, USA. Lotā€™s of lakes! Fun little bird. But yes, definitely not a winter one.


Doing a little IFR A32nx flight rn!

A bit of Palermo today :slight_smile:


Initially, I just wanted to fly from vienna to munich, so just a very short testflight after my 2-week FS brake caused from the A320 neo bugs. At the beginnig I was very surprised by the fact that the ā€œcold & darkā€ issues where finally solved and I could start up the avionics/electronics propperly. After that I was even more excited because the annoying APU/engine bug is also fixed right now so, letā€™s taxi that thing to the runway and get it airborneā€¦
And thats where the s**t hits the fan.
Everything went pretty normal until I hit VR, as soon as I pulled the sidestick lever back, the airbus just steered to the right as if you lay a brick onto the rudder pedal. I went straight into the fence, hit it and had the black screen with the crash message on screen. This happened the next 3 times I restarted the flight. And if this wanst enough, sudennly the sensivity of my joystick is now so messed up that if I just move it slightly in the air, the aircraft (not A320 neo, because I canā€™t even get it so far) goes rollercoaster. So the next brake for FS2020 till a new update comes out.

So, Iā€™m really happy that they fixed the ā€œdark & coldā€ issues, and even the bugs with the APU/engines, but itā€™s really annoying that everytime when they fix one problem, two new problems begin to come up.

sorry for bad english

Setting controller deadzone to 10% has solved all the 320 control issues for me, maybe you have tried this already?

Thank you for the tip, I will try this and look if it solve the problem.

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Would love some more ideas for difficult, short <15/20min flights! Vouvray LFHN to Corlier LFJD was good, as someone above recommended, just about climbing over the mountains with a low payload. Any other challenges, visual especially? Iā€™m using the TMB to go from Shetland to South Africa, and it would be a welcome break!

Africa tour. Currently iā€™m in FACT, Cape Townā€¦few days ago i left FOOL behindā€¦ :upside_down_face:


Just reached the most southern point of Africaā€¦i guess itā€™s back to Cairo nowā€¦


Finished a complete IFR flight to KSFO last night, flying the CCR Approach, bearing north toward Napa. In the distance you can see the Altamont Pass glowing red from all the windmills. Itā€™s sorta comical how the windmills light up like they doā€¦ but the flight went off without a hitch, even loading procedures in-flight just like ā€œfor real!ā€



Today I decided to try chasing the Sun so I tried airliners for the first time as speed was needed. I took up the 787 and flew due West on the Equator. Even with stress damage off, full power, and 150kts tailwinds, the Sun was still slowly dipping under the horizon. Not fast enough! After 3 hours the game crashed, so I tried another flight at a higher latitude where the Sunā€™s apparent speed is slower. What I really wanted to do was to exactly match the rotating Earthā€™s speed, so that the Sun would stay glued to a point on the horizon, and the tiny crescent of the New Moon would slowly grow over time!

This time I took the 747 on a westerly flight starting from Eastern Europe at 45 degrees North and I did manage to catch up with the Sun. I played with the winds until I matched the speed just right, and left the sim for awhile. When I came back an hour later I saw that the Sun was faster again, and that I was losing altitudeā€¦ obviously I had run out of fuel! I have no idea how to restart jets mid-air so I decided to try my first 747 dead stick landing at the nearest airport available which seemed in gliding distance. Boy was I surprised that the 747 doesnā€™t glide like a 152ā€¦ I was about to hit some trees before the dark runway threshold, but the 747 just flattened them and our little joyride came to a bumpy but full stop just at the end of the runway in the east of France. Great adventures!

I found a chart online that shows the Earthā€™s rotational speed at different attitudes if anyone wants to try this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_rotation#/media/File:Earth_rotation_tangential_speed.svg


I was really disappointed that Oshkosh was cancelled this year. I had planned on flying and camping my way up there from Tucson and back. So today I started a virtual trip. I suppose itā€™s the next best thing!

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