What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Pilots (Captain’s) Log
Day 1, second leg
Flight time: 2hrs 30mins
Distance: 233.8 miles (203Nm)
Upington (FAUP) to Keetmanshoop (FYKT)
Day 1 total distance:641.8 miles (557.7Nm)
Due to having to pay a visit to the complaints department, my departure was behind schedule.
After departing FAUP I set a course for Keetmanshoop. A distance of 233.8miles give and take a few!
The flight started off a bit jittery due to the cross winds, but once I was a few mile out it all calmed down.
So now I could relax and take in the spectacular views of South Africa.

Must admit, It’s not a place I want to get engine failure though!
It was coming on 40mins into the flight and by now the sun had started to drop down towards the horizon.

Still having a long way to go, I was starting to realise that I wasn’t going to make my destination in daylight.
With just under 40 miles remaining, the Sun was about to kiss the horizon…

As the minutes ticked by, and the miles slowly decreasing, my serene world started to plumet into darkness!

Still around 24 miles to go, the Suns last rays ebbed below the horizon.

The darkness finally enveloped my world as I was making my final approach.


As it seemed like Ground control had all gone home, and I was only given the option of taking off again.
I thought what the heck! I will find my own parking space.
When parked I nicked a few jerrycans of fuel to top up my tanks,

and then put my plane to bed.
That done I caught a taxi and headed for the nearest hotel, and then straight to the bar!

Only 6000 miles to go, give or take a few!

My journey continues here>> My 6,700 mile African Bush Trip in JPLogistics Cessna 152