What happend to local legend 17?

Got a bit excited with that “one more thing” slide but hey, we’ll wait a bit longer I guess


Local legend in Vegas would be Janet.


Ooft, could you imagine?

And the outcry when it’s AH again :sweat_smile:


kinda sucks that we did not get a new local legend… had high hopes far a fsexpo release

maybe this week?

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Hey CMs, do you have any news to share on the status of LL17?


dang im so currious what it could be

i hope its a dc10 or some 3 motor jet

Boy, I sooooo wish I had the time available that I worried about stuff like this.
Sure, I’m interested, but, I also understand how marketing works, so, I’m like, it’s not like I don’t have a million other things to do, like, I wish I had time to fly all the other planes in my stable, lollll, so, let me know what it is when you’re ready…

GIven all that, it is exciting to wonder what it will be!

(p.s. I LOVE me a C-46… I always thought it was a cool looking plane)

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Me too! Me so very too!


Aeroplane Heaven had a C-46 for the previous gen of sims and since they’ve done so many of the LLs and FFs, I wouldn’t be surprised to see their version show up at some point as one of them. Same for their old Dove/Devon modules .

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I knew a feller who flew one in the CBI - friend of the family - terrific pilot.
I like the military paint on the C-46 but would pay real money for one done up as
in the second pic

Feeling optimistic for the dev update, but we shall see in 12 hours or so

Has there been any official word about this plane? I hoped they would announce it at the Expo, but so far I haven’t heard anything about it’s delayed release, if there’s going to be a release at all.


10 characters.

it is odd that there has been no official word - even about the delay itself.
Generally by now someone would have said on the forums, words to the effect that - ‘we are aware there are questions about this official LL17 release and while there is a delay, we have no other information available at this time’ Or 'there’ll be an announcement on this situation shortly - thank you for your patience"… yada yada - but this is nada. That’s unusual

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It is Thursday, and we are mere moments away from the weekly dev & marketplace updates. Maybe they will drop something shortly! :+1:t2:

I just read the update and I didn’t see it mentioned.

Same. Where’d LL17 go?


Nothing about LL17 in today’s development update. The roadmap shows LL18 (707) scheduled for 2-JULY so that means there are only 4 days left to release LL17. Otherwise LL18 would need to be delayed as well or renamed to LL17. Where’s the popcorn?

Looks like Local Legend 18 (Boeing 707) will either (1) ship before Local Legend 17, or (2) be renumbered before release.

I mean, I don’t want a plane to ship before it’s ready. But I am anxious to hear what it’s going to be.

C-46 would be awesome, but I’d be shocked if they released it so soon after the C-47/Waco.


The Roadmap is clear, LL17 will be released on June 22nd along with the trailer.

So maybe it was already released and nobody noticed it yet.
Or they are planning to reverse the time-space continuum and just release it perfectly on time.

Or maybe it is a plane from AH or Orbx and they abandoned even before releasing it. Updates may be coming in the future for the non-released plane.