What has your VR experience been like in Microsoft 2024 so far?

I am amazed how good it is when it is still in the early stages. It is a little frustrating with all the bugs and some of the slowdowns, but the quest 3 headset with the cable connect to the computer is amazing. I look forward to keep flying in. VR.

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VR has gotten better thanks to dlss 4 and all those that figured out and shared how to install it correctly. For me it still has a long way to go for VR. So, I use 2020 for VR and 2024 for non VR if I’m feeling patient enough to deal with the issues (like controls). Funny thing is after putting 2020 back on my PC, well, I feel good about MSFS again :slight_smile:


I had a weird problem when testing the benefits of the new DLSS 4 drivers (preset K) and Performance mode.

As I was comparing FS2024 to FS2020 and needed to peer about looking at the terrain, I decided to uses the open cockpit Bulldog autogyro, as I have it in both sims. Not the most accurate flight model by any means, but still, fun to fly and you can pull back the cyclic and crawl along…good for spotting fine ground details (I used to fly a Benson gyrocopter IRL many, many years ago).

I first tried it in FS 2020 and although everything looked great, with high framerates, I was getting a small but constant stutter when looking at the terrain. Mmm, maybe just FS2020, which is not as smooth for me as FS2024 (Edit: Also maybe Pimax Crystal Play software, which quite rarely has caused its own stutter, needing a restart of the sim).

So I switched to FS2024 beta and again everything looked great, albeit with a performance drop. But I was STILL getting this really annoying stutter. I was somewhat down-heartened by all this, so gave up and just switched to flying the Discus 2c glider over some mountains. Hey presto, no stutter…all was smooth again.

Then it dawned on me, intentionally or not, the gyro was actually mimicking rotor shake in VR (you could see it in the wobbly cyclic stick) hence the stutters!

Anyway, what I did get out of this was that the vastly improved detail in cliff sides and rugged slopes in FS2024 makes glider flying in particular so much more realistic and beautiful. :grinning:


After the latest beta updates, I am really beginning to enjoy the FS24. Happy, and waiting the next improvements and fixes with illusion.

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Been doing some further testing (spend more time doing that dont we than flying)

Airlink certainly a lot better than it was, but still for me couldnt quite get it as crisp looking as VD
1 big annoyance i had with link is massive overexposure of the g1000 screens, looked horrible. Not sure why that was, but without being able to change them indenpendantly, couldnt see a fix

I updated to the beta su1 last night too and crickey thats made a difference! Wish id done it sooner, all stutters in VD gone, much more GPU and CPU headroom now
Even flying over london with pretty high settings it was showing as 50% cpu overhead and 35% gpu

Very happy, looks fantastic and runs beautifully

Till tonight that is when i fire it up and it totally different of course!!! Fingers crossed, but this is what i find most frustrating, get it all running lovely and its totally different next time you play, inconsistency.
Hopefully all good and i can actually enjoy a flight tonight!

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For whatever reason in V/R if I do a charter Mission (5 hr leg ones) after about 3/4 thru the flight the game turns into a stutter fest, and upon landing it drops to like 1-5 fps. It starts butter smooth at 80FPS Have solid WIFI 6 connection with VD. I tried this with multiple missions into different areas same results. Temps are fine w/latest bios.

Upgrading to a 9800X3D tonight. Either MSFS 24 is having supreme memory loss, or i have a faulty 13900K from all the stories.

13900k 360Aio
64gb 6000
4090 Suprim Liquid

I was experiencing the same with my Q3 RTX 4080S 13600k setup. I was on the last NV drivers 572.16. After rolling back to 566.36 all went back to normal.

I used the DLSS 4 workaround before Nvidia released their app and latest driver. I thought I got better results with the older driver and preset J than I do now with 572.16 and preset K. I think I’ll roll back.

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Make sure you are using dlss 4, it’s a massive game changer.
Don’t use godlike, doesn’t make any sense and stresses your system. Use high with snapdragon supersampling. Forget about 10bit, Quest doesn’t make use of it. Use 264 with 200mbit in VD. And don’t use sharpening! Sharpening to 0 in msfs vd graphics settings and in VD.

something changed to the worse over the last couple of days and I suspect it has to do with my NCP settings. Any 4090 with Varjo Aero drivers here who could share with me their NCP settings? I’m having suddenly massive latency, on the runway already >18ms and once in the air it gets to >30ms with massive stutters and audio crackling. I have not changed any in-sim settings. Using DLSS4, performance. I suspect the Vert Sync settings and the VR prerendered frame setting is out of whack but I tried all possible combos… Any ideas? Thank you in advance!

Im having similar issues with the latest nvidia driver and the 4090 + pimax crystal in the last week or so, i think maybe since updating nvidia drivers to use dlss 4.0… are you on the latest nvidia?

I get crackling at times, the flight will be smooth for a while then suddenly the audio crackles and then the frame rate tanks

**I should mention im also on SU1 beta (not the stock version at this time), so i guess that rules out the beta being the issue, anyone else NOT in su1 beta get this issue?

I need to look at the cpu % when it occurs too, i noticed my 14900k suddenly peaks at 97C, it never went above 92 before, some sort of cpu spike might be occurring, or a 24h2 windows glitch or both

Have read nvidia drivers for audio might need uninstalled to help, havent tried that option yet

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I have rolled back the Nvidia driver to 566.xx while still in Beta, no improvement. This leads me to believe it is Beta related…

I get the same. Flight will be butterysmooth then out of no where frames tank and becomes stutterfest. Now on a 9800x3d and 4090. Something is not right with the game. Temps are fine not thermal throttle, I think it is a Vram issue imo.

Problem found! It’s Fauna. Turn off Fauna entirely - not even on low - and the problem goes away!


Read somehere, turn of Fauna. Seems to be a bug.

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I don’t have anything to offer the thread regarding the issue. I just wondered if I might enquire regarding a matter of grammar.

I realize that I may well be flamed for this comment so I apologise in advance and intend no offence.

“Have read nvidia drivers for audio might need uninstalled to help, havent tried that option yet”

Here in ole’ blighty we still stick a “to be” in between “need” and “uninstalled”

I first noticed this trend when I began watching “Rebuild Rescue” the youtube channel where old planes are restored. The presenter constantly says “This will need rebuilt” and “That will need rewired”

Just wondered how this came about and if it is relatively new or is it particular to any part of the states?

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It looks a bit like vaseline under Godlike with 0 sharpening?