Hi there,
I was wondering what is the largest mod addon website? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance…I have been to a few but didn’t like it.
“Best” is pretty subjective. And not sure which is the largest per se. But I do like Flightsim.to as my go-to. I find it’s nicely organized and easy to find stuff. And there are a ton of mods, liveries and other add-ons.
I agree and once you’ve created an account so you can download large files, if you need to, it’s easy to see very quickly the mods you need to update as it tracks them and offers the option to update.
It’s a very efficient site.
Once you signed up for an account, it also tracks which mods you’ve downloaded, and you get notifications if there’s an update. To me, that’s one of its biggest strong points. No more guessing and searching for the latest version of mods.
Thanks for the help and replies…My interests are planes and sceneries
Then you’ll be well-suited to flightsim.to
+1 for flightsim.to. Their scenery map is a good idea as well.
Just keep in mind that flightsim.to is all freeware, so you’ve got a limited selection of actual planes available. There just aren’t that many freeware planes atm.
When it comes to scenery though, there’s a crapload of it available. Just beware of the Google Maps rips. Many of those (on any site) tend to be made by 14 year old Timmy who just watched a how-to video on YouTube and decided it would be a good idea to make a bunch of scenery packs. Those will cause super long load times and cause your frame rate to tank.
And as someone who has uploaded multiple packages there, I love how easy it is to upload an update to a package, especially considering how much things change from one update to the next.
And that it actually is an update to the package. I hate having multiple version of a package on a site as it changes over time. Here, there is only the latest version.
…falling into nostalgia with avsim.com and flightsim.com, why are they so forgotten or ignored ?
Still having hope that they get again in scope of the current msfs community
I cannot help but wonder if part of this is due to the more modern solutions whereas those two sites are exactly how I remember them being 10+ years ago.
After the big event where some crazy idiot hacked the site and deleted most of it, Avsim devolved in my experience, plus, their search tool stinks, so there’s a lot of content there that can be hard to find.
Flightsim.com is ok. I’ve actually met the owner of the site. His plane was the subject of one of the first major payware products, the Dreamfleet Cherokee.
From what I’ve seen people still frequent both places for MSFS.
Flightsim.to is exclusively MSFS and it’s tools and interface are top notch. It’s nice that they have a really great ability to attach up to 18 large pictures for an addon. It’s awesome for seeing what the addon is really like. The other two sites are basically stuck in the '90’s in their layout in that regard.
Flightsim.to is great, but you might also be interested in checking out Nexus mods as that site has some unique material.
I was a Flightsim.com user back before you actually needed to sign up.
I remember when they asked all the users to create a user name and password cause they needed to moderate the site.
Probably the best FS site. Consistent and intuitive with tremendous content. Highly respected.
Wow, pretty glowing review. I will have to watch for my check in the mail.
I do wonder if the popularity Nexus Mods will eventually wane as the ‘gaming’ crowd eventually move on from MSFS.
My personal observations is Flightsim.to is definitely the MSFS benchmark. I visited FSAddons once but it was such a mess of adds and other click bait, I vowed never to return.
As a long time user of the old stalwarts Flightsim.com & Avsim.com, I do think it’s time they considered some updates to they sites if they want to remain relevant.
So, is there something as good as .to for paid mods?
Agreed. Both flightsim.com and avsim.com need a serious overhaul. It looks like their sites were built on 2002 tech and haven’t moved since.
NexusMods is just a sh*tshow IMHO. Too hard to find anything because they host mods for everything under the sun. Everything for MSFS is under 1 category, which makes it like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Flightsim.to have it right. It’s dedicted to MSFS, so no wading through tons of ■■■■ from other games or sims, and it’s nicely categorized and easy to search and navigate.
For paid addons, most developers sell directly. There’s only a couple places that offer multiple developers products.
Orbx is one, though their marketplace interface.
The other that comes to mind is SimMarket. Though a word of caution here. They see seem to sell literally anything. From something thrown together by a 12 year old in an hour, instead of doing his homework. To products from well know developers that have been in the FS game for decades. The quality available is therefore ‘diverse’, so make sure you do a little homework before clicking the purchase button, to avoid disappointment.
I ran a poll the other day about this: Seems like Flightsim.to wins by a landslide. X-plane.org and Avsim were the gold standard for other sims. Maybe this will be the site for MSFS? Who knows.