What Keyboard Shortcuts and Bindings are Must Haves for VR?

I’m working on flight stick binding profile for JoyToKey that can be shared with others. I would like some input on what is necessary and also most convenient. Also which ones that will need to be most readily accessible. Thanks:)

I use VoiceAttack and then I don’t have to use the keyboard, I just say the commands.


That is a fantastic program… I use that too. I’m still creating a flight stick profile to share for the VKB NXT premium. I have a G2 but haven’t used it in a while. Just looking for the most needed commands… etc.

Gear, flaps and trim.

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And brakes! You may also like the V for the VFR window, and currently Ctrl+0 to enable the mouse.

Thanks:) Anyone else?

A button on your yoke to reset your view. On my Honeycomb I use one of the two trim switches to reset the view(down trim) the up trim is set to zoom the view for close up viewing. I also have a key to open the menu drop-down thingy so I can open navigraph or atc or checklists and stuff.

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