What We Want

Yes, all these simple things added to 2024 would make me a happy man.

I would like to see the following in 2024;

  1. Use of the ‘Beaufort Scale which is an empirical measure that relates wind speed to observed conditions at sea or on land’ ie Using wind speed to determine probable wave height in MSFS 2024 The Beaufort Wind Scale | Royal Meteorological Society (rmets.org)

  2. ‘The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has extended Luke Howard’s classifications to make 10 main groups of clouds, called genera . These are divided into three levels - cloud low (CL), cloud medium (CM) and cloud high (CH) - according to the part of the atmosphere in which they are usually found.’ I would like to see representation of clouds from these 10 groups replicated in MSFS 2024 I am not expecting every cloud within th 10 to be represented but an approximation of each of the 10 groups. This implementation would create a paradigm shift of how a real world can be rendered and MSFS would be a ground breaking rendition of the world. Cloud names and classifications - Met Office

  3. Seasons implementation

  4. Use of CPU Cores

  5. No importation of known issues into MSFS 2024 from 2020 ie Horizontal line stands out

  6. Working Title to be given more expanded role in solving issues like 5

I had zero interest in simming until 2020 came out I feel sure there are more potential customers for MSFS 2024 . When I played Age of Empires Jorg made a huge impact on that title he has the potential to bring in a new wave of new customers with 2024 if he addresses the community’s existing concerns and issues

  1. & 2. - I love how you have not only asked for improvement of an issue but also offered realistic and very possible solutions for the updates. Asobo needs to pay more attention to solutions such as this. Simple and intuitive. Good work.

Flowing rivers would be absolutly epic!!


I have two homes. One in the USA. There, I can fly and it does have the feeling of flying in the US.

The other home is in South Africa. There, flying around feels like it is California or something. It doesn’t really feel like South Africa. Based on temperate zone (and South Africa being like Virginia or North Carolina in terms of climate) the vegetation ends up being similar to the US, but that isn’t right. The land is more brown. The trees different. Then there is the fact that just about every home in South Africa has a wall around the property for safety. The BlackShark.ai algorithm picks that up as part of the house, so you get two story houses making the area look much more affluent than it really is. You don’t feel like you are flying over a township. And then there are numerous squatter camps which are made of tin shacks and freight containers as houses. Those end up coming out as some type of warehouse.

So flying over my USA home, it feels like home. But flying in South Africa, it doesn’t feel like home. And I definitely can’t fly VFR. My wifes family lives in one of the townships south of Johannesburg. The only way I can get there is fly via the highways. And flying over Orange Farm, you would think it was an affluent neighborhood. The land going down the Golden Highway is mainly brush that is subject to wildfires, yet in the simulator shows up as fertile farmland. Since few in South Africa have cars, malls are not only the places of shopping but also doctors and dentist offices, and play an important part of South African life, but they usually show up as warehouses in the sim instead of a mall.

So what I would love is, that for South Africa, a western algorithm isn’t used for detection in the BlackShark.ai routines. I would love a truly South African one. I would love to be able to fly around South Africa and be able to do VFR. Currently outside the cities, the algorithm seems to be using more of a western northern hemisphere type rules for its guessing and as I have stated, it leaves the pilot feeling like they are flying over a California or Virginia community than a South African one.


What would be amazing for me would be the ability to wear a headset and talk to ATC

I wonder if blackshark.ai data is updated anymore? I remember that data were updated several times in the first few world updates after launch 2020 but later i have not seen that been done at all.

Maybe i’m wrong.

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Yes it is updated outside the sim. Likely 2024 will get a new global pass with the updated AI.

Working weapons systems

  • Fix the runway lights (VASI, Approach lights, etc). Half of them are flat-out wrong. The database used is about 15 years old. A simple database update could fix this quickly.

  • Fix the runway markings - centerline stripes and runway numbers are too small for most US airports. 500’ touchdown zone markings are all wrong in the US (should be three stripes each side).

  • Fix the VASI/PAPI longitudinal placement so our aimpoint isn’t so far down the runway. Especially important on smaller runways.

  • Institute pilot-controlled lighting

  • Get rid of the trees at the runway end by instituting a FAR 77 approach surface clear of obstruction (trees at least)

  • Bring the G3X up to the standards of the other Garmin devices


Would love to see this fixed in 2024:
Since 1.25.7 Drone Collision Mesh active with Collision Material - MSFS DevSupport (flightsimulator.com)

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I really want to see a default Beechcraft B1900D in Microsoft flight simulator 2024 be a flyable aircraft because I don’t want to see them do the same Beechcraft aircraft as defaults all the time

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The ability to get out of the aircraft and walk around, drive fuel trucks, able to put on a headset and talk to ATC, working weapon systems, multiplayer aircraft.

  • realistic persistence of aircaft wear and tear, status and place (want to resume a trip where I had parked the aircraft)
  • cirrus clouds
  • realistic thermals
  • automated, dynamic adjustment of terrain LOD, AI traffic percentage (and other settings that have great influence on fps) to match a defined minimum fps. Options, which of the above setting should be included in the auto-adjustment.
  • saving of flight situations with all dynamic parameters so that it will be possible to resume long flights at a later moment
  • PDF handbooks for all aircraft
  • better environmental effects (blowing mist and snow from prop or jet blast, waves and splash for hydroplanes, better contrails, better wind effects on trees etc., improved haze)
  • more variation of sunset colors (most often, they should be unspectacular)
  • more control over eye adaptation and dynamic brightness perception to accomodate different types of displays
  • vector rivers with realistically changing width, direction, water color (colored by sediment, whitewater and darker pools), small vector rivers with much less visible water surface and reflections)
  • real AI copilot for airliners
  • passengers in smaller planes where I can see them from the cockpit
  • avatar mode for aircraft inspection
  • in-sim change of aircraft

Out of the aircraft and walk around, done.
Drive fuel trucks. Use a truck simulator.
Put on a headset and talk to ATC, about what/why?
Weapon systems, use combat simulator or DCS.
MP aircraft, more or less done with some improvements needed.

Some of these things are just way out in left field.

Ground vehicles observing aircraft right of way on the ramp.
Operational HUD in the Longitude.
Multi monitor support.


my biggest want is properly colored clouds and atmosphere. After that would be for HDR mode to be finished/fixed with color tones that look good and are realistic. I have banding and strange colors on XBX with HDR on and display on ‘DisplayHDR’ but HDR off and display set to sRGB looks much better.
Lastly, I’d like it to be realized that in some areas (along the US Gulf Coast) the trees have been shortened too much. The tree shortening needs to stop and if there are trees at the end of a runway in real life then they need to be there in the sim as well.

Realistic ATC can use your own voice. Finish the interior of the passenger aircraft with realistic people

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i wonder if they can add the multi threading to the current 2020 version as well.

Why. Doesn’t make sense to me when 2024 is 2020 + new features.