What We Want

  • Native touch screen functionality for popout windows
  • better management of popout window placement on a per-plane basis, not per avionics suite basis
  • voice-activated ATC and better ATC voices

A MS branded, VR headset and LoD options for Xbox.
And please guys/gals if you would also like & be willing to pay for an OFFICIAL MSFS VR set up for Xbox please add a like.
Then we will have at least some inkling as to what proportion of the users would actual buy one


That doesn’t make sense. If anyone is using VR at this point in time it’s heavily PC users and they are probably using it for more than just MSFS and other games as well. The likelihood of MS making a VR headset JUST for MSFS JUST for Xbox is about 0% since there are already VR headsets out there and they already can be used with MSFS…just not on Xbox. I dunno. But VR for Xbox seems quite far off. If VR already existed for Xbox I could see the argument, but it doesn’t exist at all period for Xbox. Even if it did, do the numbers support the return for the development?

I’m not even sure 2024 will have VR but I too think it would be great for XBox to have VR capability. maybe one day.

That has probably been stated countless times and if not: proper multiplayer model matching.

Independent of if you own that particular aircraft and/or livery. Kind of like DCS handles their model matching. That would be a dream come true.


It has already been stated by Matt Booty that it is not currently in their interests/plans to build a dedicated Xbox VR/AR device. The market is just not there yet not viable (not enough software/willingness to support it).

I know it’s not there. I’m just pointing out some more reasoning as to why it’s not there. Some people have a hard time accepting the direct facts and need it explained.

cuz 2020 will keep getting support

And 2024 is not just “2020 with new features”

Yes, the graphics engine is similar. But the way content is delivered to that engine and managed in memory is now completely changed.
While, yes, the model content definition is the same, or similar anyway, it will be managed very differently by the sim.

My bet is as well, and I could be completely wrong, that they’ll be putting some more interactive features into the sim, using A Plague’s Tale technology (for movable humans), but, not completely governed story lines. Maybe not. But I’m kinda hoping for it.

Regarding the multi-threaded flight model calculations… I don’t know if that could be moved backwards. It may depend on the memory freed up by streaming the textures and such.

Let’s remember, too, that Live Traffic “generic” models can be greatly improved since they will now be able to stream the models from a central location, so you don’t have to have them locally.

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maybe the AI will learn where and how you like to fly and then offer you ‘jobs’ that you can do while getting where you might have gone anyway. Like if American Truck sim only offered you the jobs you really liked going to places you enjoy going. Personally, the idea of being a cargo pilot sounds fun. maybe with part time balloon operator. Did I see any medivac flights in places like New Zealand? that could be fun too.

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What they talked about at the conference was that this simulator is used world wide, and, as such, it’s important tol be able to do activities anywhere in the world you choose. You won’t be stuck doing any activity in only one place.

Of course, then people are going to want liveries and companies that change depending on where you are in the world. It’ll be kind of weird being a New Zealand search and rescue helicopter in Boston MA.

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Kinda weird having search and rescue in Boston MA. :yum:

I mean, the South is rough…

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I’m sure PC will at some point, if it doesn’t exist at launch. It’s something like 10-15% of the PC user base. I’m surprised it’s that high given the hardware investment required. But flight simming is one of the best VR use cases there is.

For some crazy reason I got my wish for Aurora Borealis!

Now if we got native force feedback my sim dreams will be complete.

Even if we get Auroras and full force feedback I won’t touch 2024 until there is VR.

I’d be willing to drop $1k~$2k on force feedback controllers. Especially if it worked for trimming and didn’t trigger AP disconnect. XPForce just isn’t a good experience at all.

The Aurora Borealis existed in FS2002, FS2004, and FSX. See posts 2 and 4-5.

Another thing from the past that worked but failed to get added apparently.

Coming in 2024.

Yes it will, but support is a very broad term. It doesn’t necessarily have to mean updates or new features ported over from fs2024. What I think they mean with that is that they will keep it running and make sure that is gets fixed when something breaks that worked before.

I dont need anything explaining. Fact is there is a market for VR for console. PS has it which is why it has the greatest market share. MS could get more hardware in homes if they gave those folk the FS experience they were hoping for.
I get fed up with PC elitist saying console doesnt deserve the same treatment as PC just coz we get a better cost per performance ratio than the PC elite. Your not gods like you think you are

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On what basis? 2024 is an improvement on 2020, they are re-engineering many systems. They are not starting from scratch. Why would they take one out that is used by approx 15% of the player base?

I’m ready to take it on condition that I don’t have to change anything in my hardware

All I said was Im not sure it will. I’m not certain of anything with 2024 yet except that addons will transfer.