Yesterday updated and everything worked spot on. This morning everything ok. Now if I try to load MSFS2020…get’s past the “checking for updates” then proceeds to load…get’s to 75% and stays there. I’ve changed nothing. I give up. *&$£%^%@:L>@>: Anyone having a similar problem???
Did you do the smaller, pre-update download first from the MS Store (or Steam)?
did you install something new maybe?
and its always possible there is a server hiccup, but all seems to work fine here
There was no smaller update, when I loaded MSFS2020 it came up with the update yesterday and installed. It worked fine after the update but will not get past 75% now(today) . I purchased 2 addons from the marketplace and they also worked OK. I am completely stumped now. I am about to throw in the towel and raise the white flag.
There were actually 2 mandatory updates & an optional world update.
The first is a small (1gb) update from the MS Store (I understand it’s a similar process if you bought the Steam edition)
After the 1gb update has installed, you launch the sim and it downloads the 5gb update.
The optional (3gb) world update then becomes available in the Marketplace.
Now, if you didn’t get the initial 1gb update then I’m guessing that it’s gone wrong somewhere & that’s the problem.
If I were you I’d launch the MS Store & check for all updates.
The 5Gb update will not download unless the 1Gb update was installed and that is done automatically on my system as I am always logged on to my store account. screenshot below is where it gets to
why would it work after the install yesterday and this morning but now refuses to work???
I don’t know why, maybe a glitch?
I too am always logged into the store but had to download the 1gb update first (like everyone else)
I’m only trying to help.
You might want to consider repairing flight sim or even reinstalling it.
Mine gets almost to the end of the 5GB and while decompressioning the different files reverst back to downloading from around the 3GB mark. It’s in this loop for the last hour.
So I am going to reinstall. Do I remove the DVD content from the Programs and features or not ? The installation for MSFS2020 is completely different to lets say FSX and P3D. This is confusing and I do not need this c*%p at my age.
I’d love to know what all of a sudden made MSFS2020 stop working. &%^$%()^(^$*^&
88.85Gb of updates…really. This is after full 10 DVD install. This means that just about all the original data is nul and void.
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