…it really is pretty amazing. Just completed a flight from KMCO to TIST and everything worked perfectly:
Latest Dev build of the FBW320 using a Delta “dirty” livery downloaded from Flightsim.to
Spad.Next with a couple of Logitech FIPs and the multipanel.
Navigraph chart plugin with latest data
Thrustmaster TCA Airbus edition
Smooth 4K/HDR/30fps
Saint Thomas airport downloaded from the marketplace
Planned the flight on Simbrief and imported into the FBW320. New FBW custom FMC worked perfectly from takeoff to touchdown. Wow!
A lot of moving parts for sure but when it works you have to sit back and just be amazed that it does. Still lots to be fixed but looking forward to what is next in 2022
Yep when the sim works and no stuttering or issues it’s absolutely amazing. Still things that need fixing though. MFS remains an unfinished game that needs to develop into a real flight sim. Not just the game needs to be better either. Microsoft policy and marketplace need to be improved still. Technically speaking this entire product still feels very much like a beta to me. Every update breaks everything no less. Confidence in the platform for me is at an all time low but when it works yeah…
Agreed on marketplace–it should not take as long as it does for new products and updates to be posted and the store “credit” system they use makes it impossible to get an invoice for or an accurate listing of the products you have purchased.
I have helped a bunch of friends with their configurations and have found the stuttering to be solvable in most cases. Either they need to get more bandwidth to the machine running the sim OR be less aggressive with some of the visual settings. They simply can’t expect the sim to run properly if they have a 20mbs internet connection which they are accessing from a cheap-o wifi router on the other side of the house. Similarly, an RTX 2070 is not going to be smooth with settings on HIGH/ULTRA on a 4k monitor.
To that end, I think MS needs to be more clear about the specs needed to run the sim well. Perhaps, include something in the SIM to test bandwidth and suggest settings better.