Just downloaded 2 bush trips from Flightsim.to, one called Serengeti, the other Brownsville Imperial. They say after download to put the folders in Community, and they are in community. I fire FS2020, these 2 Bush trips are neither in the Bush Trip section, nor in the MIssions , nor in flightplans… I am at a loss here… Any help will be appreciated
Did you unzip the files first?
Of course I unzipped!
In the “Activities” menu, user-created content now in the last area called “Custom Content” - the ones you added should be in the Bush Trips category. I’m actually a fan of this as it doesn’t interfere with the achievements and completion percentages.
There are not there either. … the plot thickens!
Just downloaded the Brownsville trip to test and it worked for me. Could you confirm you’re copying the “everglades-brownsville-mission” subdirectory into Community Folder, and not the downloaded folder called “everglades-brownsville-mission_9xF1K”?
We are not talking about the same file. Mine is “brownsville-imperial-mission_Fz2BY” which is a zip file on the flightsim.to website
After unzipping, you get a folder named “brownsville-imperial-mission” which needs to be place in Community, which I did…
And when FS2020 is running this file is nowhere to be found…
Hope you can make it work, thanks for your help.
And I will try your file if I can get it . Where did you find Brownsville trip, what’s the exact name of the file? I will unzip it and put the folder named “everglades-brownsville-mission” in Community and let you know how that works
I see you asked the same question on another forum and Tim replied with the following…
“ In the comments on the Serengeti mission is this:
“MSFS made a small change with the latest version with MSFS. All 3rd-party bush trips can now be found in Activities → Custom Content. You’ll need to scroll all the way to the right of the Activities screen to see that option.”
Thanks Steve. I replied Tim on the other forum
Would you please tell me where this folder is located in the folder structure of the simulator where the third party bush trips will be installed??
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