Where is FS24’s flight planner for browser, tablet and phone?

At the Grand Canyon launch event, they announced that the flight planner would be available on browsers, and tablets and phones. Is this not available yet?

I wonder if the tablet and phone access they mentioned is just via their browsers, or through an app is it sounds.

The interface of the flight planner is pretty poor on the game’s EFB. Popping out the EFB makes the interface buggy for me, with poor text size and scaling issues.



Thank you. I don’t know where that link is shown.

At the main MSFS site. https://www.flightsimulator.com

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There seems to be a major problem.

I cannot find anyway for the browser window to connect to the 2024 sim. It looks like the sim is not hosting a web service, like the FBW A210 does.