Where is the new VR specific feedback/wishlist?

This article on Upload VR mentions that:

But, even then, the numbers aren’t enough to really register with the team’s current feedback system for the entire game, which lets people vote on priorities for developers. Given that, Asobo has established a new system specific to VR.

Where can I find this new feedback/wishlist? Actually, digging through the website from the homepage, I’m not sure I can even find the old feedback wishlist…

HERE [BLOG] January 28th, 2021 Development Update - Community / News and Announcements - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

I could not find the VR feedback snapshot in that link

I’ve been asking for this one, and a few others, for weeks now.

I’ve no doubt they are busy but I agree this is badly needed too.

this is on the 2/11/21 blog …

There is a difference between the feedback snapshot picture, and the actual forum where you can post new topics meant to appear in the feedback snapshot picture…

In this case, there is a specific VR Bugs forum, but no VR Wishlist forum. This is what I’m asking for and talking about in my post above.

My mistake, I misunderstood your post title.

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